20 MAY 1837, Page 6

A correspolident of the Morning Chroniole complains that Mr. Listen

the Superintendent Itegist mar under the Marriage and Registration Acts, has appointed to the office of Deputy Registrar of Devon. port, a Mr. Beer, an acke Tory, and Secretary of the Coeserratire Association. A short time ago, Mr. Beer stigmatized the present Ministers as " spoliators and revolutionists," and received a vote of thanks front the Plymouth Tories. The Chronicle's correspondent, who gives his mane, (S. James,) adds- " I am a n eke of Plymouth ; I know all about matters there; and this I tell you, that if the honest men of Devonpurt are to be on every occasion in- sulted, Devolipott becomes a Tory borough. As matters now stand, Sir G. Grey and Sir E. Codrington will find it difficult to withstand the influence of the Government hirelings. The perpetual activity of the employk must have a pernicious ctiect tut a constituency principally dependent upon the Dock-yard fur support."

[The writer of this letter does not muke sufficient allowance for the fact that Mr. 1.ister is a relative of Lord John Russell's lady. What is the disgust of the Reformers, that it should be put in competition with the obligation to provide for our relations by birth or marriage? Mr. Lister is not to be blamed. He is, we believe, a Tory; and will prefer Tories to Liberals when and where he can. The good people of Devonport must not suppose that they are especially selected for insult —the treatment the Reformers there received, Reformers in other parts of the country have become accustomed to; the effect whereof will be visible in the return of—say 50 Whigs at the utmost to the next Parliament.]