20 MAY 1837, Page 8


An extensive failure has taken place in Glasgow—that of Oswald and Company. This unfortunate occurrence is the cause of the re- signation by Mr. James Oswald of his seat in the House of Commons. Several houses of minor importance have also given way.

We are sorry to state that the unemployed weavers at Glasgow are

still on the increase. The exact number cannot be given, hut tile names on the list of applicants for relief amount to upwards of 600, exclusive of about 1'20 who are employed by the authorities on the banks of the river at White. Inch. We are happy to learn that snat more are likely to be employed at the sante place in the course of a few days. A steam-boar is very properly ettgaged to take the men to and from their work moriCug and evening ; and though they are almost all unacquainted with out-door labour, the opportunity thus afforded them of providing for their families is most eagerly grasped at. The idea of asking in charity that which can he procured by even the severest labour, seems never to be contemplated by this proud-epirited, though sorely de- pressed class of operatives. rhe conduct of the unemployed in Glas- gow has hitherto done themselves the highest honour. The cotton- spinners, with few exceptions, are still out.— Glasgow Argus.

Trmuik iii Paisley continues on the decline. and the sufferings of the Operative classes are rapidly increasing. The funds of the Relief

Committee are almost exhausted. A meeting of the Towu- Council was held on Thursday, to take into consideration the state of the un- employed inhabitants, when it was tateutimonsly agreed to memorialize both his Majesty and the Ministers on the present distress.— Glasgow Argus.

Lord Rosebery, Lord Melville. Sir James Gibson Craig, and Mr. Richard Mackenzie, have given offichil intimation of their intention to resign the office they hold ilS trustees for the city of Edinburgh.

Last week, n beggar, cased in rage, wag brought up by the police officers of Dunfermline, for insolence in the exercise of his peofeseion. On being searched, there were found out him batik. clicks and gold and silver to the amount of 4:IH/. The Magistrates treated him to a new suit of clothes at his own expense, us his former habiliments; were in- toleruble. He is a perfect miser, amid is named Robert Forrest or Ferguson.— Fife Herald.