20 MAY 1848, Page 8



The heaviness of the English Stock Market noticed last week was materially increased by the intelligence received from Paris on Tuesday morning. The ex- istence of the Republican Government seemed in peril, and the alarm was greatly increased by the non-arrival of the mail in due course. The newspapers, by means of expresses, were in possession of intelligence up to six o'clock on Monday evening, but the letters by the ordinary post did not arrive till late in the day: hence it was inferred that the new Democratic movement had been succesaful. At the opening of business, Consols were offered at 83, and speedily fell to 824 The purchases for Money were numerous, and soon reestablished the opening quotation. Thus the market was sustained, and closed slightly in advance of the opening price. On Wednesday intelligence of the triumph of the Moderate party became known, and the prices of Consols opened 831. The tendency which had been upwards during the whole day was greatly increased by the pub- lication after the usual hours of business of a Government notice reducing the rate of interest upon the Exchequer Bills falling due in June next, from 3d. to 2e1 per diem; and after four o'clock several bargains were effected in Consols between 84 and 84a. The upward movement continued during part of yesterday, when Console for Money and Account reached 841. A quantity of Stock was then thrown upon the market, among others by the Bank Broker; and the price, which fell to 84, has since fluctuated between 84 and 841. Purchases for Money again forced up prices today; but late in the afternoon a decline of a per cent. occurred, in consequence of intelligence from Hamburg that the Prussian General at Rensburg was collecting large reinforcements. The closing quotation of Consols this afternoon is 83:4 84; thus establishing an improvement of about per cent upon last week's prices. The effect of the Government notice, reducing the rate of interest upon Exchequer Bills, would doubtless have been greater had the Continent of Europe been in its usual state. The measure itself has been long expected; as the difference in value between the two classes of bills now current clearly indicates. For some time the March Bills (1848) bearing an interest of 24d. per diem have been about 9s. in advance of the premium borne by bills dated in June 1847, bearing an interest of 3d. a day; because it was ge- nerally expected that at the maturity of the latter the interest upon them would be, as it has been, reduced to 2d. a day. The difference between them is-now Ils.; the amount of interest receivable, 118. 5d. Allowance being made for excess of income-tax payable upon the larger amount of interest, it will be found that the actual value of each class of bills is represented by its market-price. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have not been important; and most of the Northern European Stocks, after improving with Consols, have fallen back again. Portuguese and Spanish Bonds are without material change, with a heavy tendency. Grenada has declined between 3 and 4 per cent; it being understood that remittances for the payment of the dividend have not arrived to the extent usual at this period of the half-year.

Most of the Railway Shares declined at the commencement of the week, but re- covered again in the course of yesterday and today; the last prices this afternoon being with few exceptions within a little of those of Saturday. The alteration in the interest of Exchequer Bills does not appear to have produced more than a mo- mentary effect upon the prices of the great mass of the Shares. French Shares generally are rather better.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 13th May exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-

BANSIN4 DXFARTYENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest £2,810 Public Deposits 1,005,826 Other Deposits

Seven-day and other Bills

Government Securities, Including Dead-weight. • Other Securities

Notes Unissued

Actual Circulation

Notes issued Issuer DEPARTMENT.

187.735 Bullion 263,498

Total Bullion In both Departments . This week.

13,089,606 Actual Circulation


Nothing of importance has occurred this morning, and the prices of both Eng- lish and Foreign Stocks are the same as yesterday. The transactions have as yet been so few that many of our quotations are merely nominal. The Bank Ac- counts are considered very satisfactory; and the tone of the market has conse- quently improved. The Railway Share Market is without variation; the only transactions as yet recorded being the following: Eastern Counties, Preference, Six per Cent, 24 paid, 13; North Staffordshire, 10a; Northern of France, 4-1 k.

3 per Cent Consols 841 1 Danish 3 per Cents


Ditto for Account 841 1 Dutch 21 per Cents

40 2

3 per Cent Reduced 821 1

Ditto 4 per Cents. 60 9 31 per Cents 831 4 Mexican IS per. Cents 1846...

151 16 Long Annuities 819-16 New Grenada 10 4 BankStock 190 192 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 17 18 Exchequer Bills

36 47 prem•

Portuguese Old 1824 67 70 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 85 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 67 70

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

121 131

Belgian 41 per Cents

58 62 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

201 31

Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela

18 20

Chillan 6 per Cents 78 89,

23,889 482,375 494,539 20,042 294,530 /nut week. 12.826.108 .

,327,270 18,621,800