20 MAY 1848, Page 8

Paris was quite tranquil up to five o'clock yesterday afternoon.

The Moniteur of yesterday contains the long-expected projet de loi for the Puisisasse of the Railways by the State.

In the Nam...4 Assembly, the ballot for the nomination of the Consti- tution Committee &eureenced on Wednesday, but was not then finished; six persons obtained the nseeesary absolute majority of votes,—namely. MM. Cormenin' Marrast, Lamennsie, Vivien, De Tocqueville, and Dafaure, The election of the other twelve has yet to be made.

The AMA Lacordaire has resigned his seat ie the Assembly, stating that legislative functions interfere with his religious duties.

Paris is full of strange reports. It is said that the Duke of Bordeaux has been seen in the Faubourg St. Germain; that General Courtais is 9 Le- gitimist in disguise; that Louis Napoleon is again in Paris; that M. de La- martiae is to retire from the Government, and to be succeeded by Marrast and M. Clement Thomas, &c. • all apocryphal. It seems quite uncertain which of the leaders of the affair of Monday axe really arrested or not. Blanqui is not: some accounts say he is at large in Paris, others that he has escaped to Brussels. Louis Blanc is at large. The Government is accused of fear and hesitation. Disclosures injurious to persons in the con- fidence of the public are asserted to be the causes of this restrained action.