20 MAY 1865, Page 2

Le Moniteur republishes a Provisional Constitution for Mexico, decreed by

the Emperor Maximilian on the 10th April. We have sketched the provisions of this remarkable document else- where, but may observe here that difficulties are thickening around the Emperor. According to reports, which if inexact are pro- bably based upon truth, the agent of the Mexican President has succeeded in obtaining a loan in the United States of five millions sterling upon landed security, has opened recruiting offices both in the South and North, and is making large promises to volunteers. The guerillas are becoming more active than ever, and it is believed that Juarez's advance at the head of any con- siderable force would be followed by a general pronunciamento. Should this be the case, the Emperor Napoleon will be compelled either to withdraw his troops, thus acknowledging failure, or demand a proclamation of neutrality from the United States. In the one case he will have made a visible and great blunder, in the other he will have to wage a great war for an end which France at heart does not care to attain.