20 MAY 1905, Page 1

The foreign editor of the Revue de Paris, M. Victor

Berard, publishes in its issue for May an interesting statement about the foreign policy of the German Emperor. We quote from the Times's translation :—" During the last ten years in which I have been professor at the Ecole Superieure de Marine, twenty or thirty of my pupils have repeated to me textually the same phrases, not dropped from the Imperial lips in private intercourse, but uttered with the emphasis of gesture in the circle of official presentations. And always the Emperor expounded the imperious reasons necessitating a Franco-

German entente The object was always a crusade either of the Continent against England or of Europe against the United States or against yellow Asia. Always against something or some one. William IL undertook to federate the whole of Europe or a part of Europe, as a matter of fact —his hatred of England being betrayed almost unconsciously in his most insignificant utterances—Continental Europe." It is not clear that the omission of England from his Majesty's schemes is dictated by hatred. The motive may easily be a consciousness that neither England nor America will join in them; but such utterances certainly indicate that vast plans hover in that over-active mind. The difficulty is to assign to the Emperor his position in a federated Continent. Would he consent to be less than Dictator, and would Europe accept his dictatorship P