20 MAY 1989, Page 26

Coffee and newspapers

Sir: Would you please note that Peter Phillips' article about music colleges (8 April) is inaccurate in the following re- spects: 1. Allegations of 'strife' at the Royal Academy of Music did not give 'a certain amount of pleasure' to the authorities at the Royal College of Music. 2. At the RCM a budget surplus is antici- pated this year despite years of having been under-funded.

3. Coffee and newspapers are available to the staff in the Senior Common Room.

4. There never were any proposals to sell the collection of musical instruments: con- sequently there is no postponement of any such plan. 5. The 'feverish' activity of builders in the Britten Theatre has nothing to do with providing either a bar or a cloakroom. The success of this unique small theatre, built originally for the use of the College, has meant that the special requirements needed to obtain a public licence are now being provided. With well over 1,000 applicants for September 1989, I am pleased to be able to say the RCM is flourishing. Mr Phillips does great disservice to his former col- leagues at the RCM if he is accusing them of disruption of lessons and disaffection. I would have been pleased to verify Peter Phillips' facts' had he asked.

Michael Gough Matthews

Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London SW7