20 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 8

MONEY 4,fo 4IKET. - • 'al 116111:COE, FRIDAT etyma**. The English

Stock Market continues in the meat ,nmetive condition, bun- nessiniug almostwholly confined to the- nieffibere of the Stock Exchange themselves, the public rarely dealing eitheFone wa ot the other; very law real investments have been made, -Mid-those only of an unimportant charac- ter ; operatone generally seem to look upon the present quotation as tee high to purchase at, and the near approach of the dividend on Consols checks speculation in the other direction, the consequence is, that for sonic weeks the variation scarcely amounts to per cent. Consols on Monday were first quoted, 94 981., and close today below that figure, 98198} There was sonic heaviness in the market on Tuesday and Wednesday, caused by a few speculative sales, but a recovery afterwards took place, and stocks up to this afternoon were tolerably firm. The demand for gold the Continent has greatly diminiehed and money has become rather easier again, short loans on Government Securities being obtainable at lf and 2 per cent. Ilia known that large sums are on the eve of arrival from Australia and else- where, and but for the continuance of North-easterly winds, several ships are now due ; so that, although a temporary withdrawal from the Bank may produce a certain depression in the market, the expectation of a speedy and large influx tends to the support of quotations, and prevents any serious decline. Today Consols after being 981 981, finally leave off 981 N. India Debentures, first issue, 99/ par. Bank Stock, 226 227; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 961 961. The Foreign Market has this week been characterized by no new feature, with the exception of a further rise in Peruvian ; in the case of the 1Jri- barren it has been to the extent of 3 per cent, and in the other Peruvian stocks from 1 to 2 per cent. There has been rather more demand for the New Four-and-a-half per Cent Brazilian Stock, which has improved f per cent ; this stock, however, considering the kind of security, would appear to be at least 2 per cent below its value compared with other Bra- zilian Bonds. Turkish Scrip remains at about the same price without any business doing. Other stocks are the same as last week. The half-monthly Settling passed off satisfactorily, and the rate for money averaged 4 to flyer cent ; Mexican, 201201 ; Peruvian Four-and-a -half per Cent, 92 93; Ditto Three per Cent, 73 73; Ditto Uribarren, 87 89; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 7374; Grenada Active, 20 21; Ditto Deferred, 61 6 ; Victor Emmanuel, 98 100; Portuguese Three per Cent, 47f 48; Spanish Three per Cent, 40 41; Ditto the Certificates, 6 61. Very little change will be observed in the quotations of the Railway Share Market. Although the fluctuation has been to the extent of 1 and per cent every day, the closing rates are, with few exceptions, those of last Saturday; business has not been extensive, the settlement of the Share Account on Monday, and Tuesday oteupying the chief attention. The tone of the market has been good upon a continued improvement in the charac- ter of most traffic returns : Great Western, 64 54f ; Midland, 971981; London and North-Western, 901911•- London and South-Western, 93931; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 96; Caledonian, 421 43f ; London and Brighton, 111 112; South-Eastern, 22# 221; Eastern Counties, 121 121; North Staffordshire, 4 4,1 discount; Great Northern, 26/ 26}; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 13f 141. The French Market, although dull today, has experienced a considerable rice during the week. Paris and Lyons are now 361 35a ; Paris and Stras- bourg, 28129 ; Northern of France, 401401; Southern of France, 23123. Indian Shares have shown great steadiness in consequence of contimallur: chases on the part of the public generally. East Indian, 1071 109; yr”' Indian Peninsula, 211211.