20 NOVEMBER 1897, Page 13

Royal Colonial Institute Proceedings. Edited by the Secretary. (Colonial Institute,

Northumberland Avenue.)—Among the papers printed in this volume are " Inter-British Trade," by Mr. John Lowles, M.P. ; "England's Work in Central Africa," by Sir Harry H. Johnston (a paper which, as Mr. W. T. Thiselton Dyer remarked in the discussion that followed, only wants some- thing more about the remarkable work done by the writer him- self) ; " Studies in Australia," by Mr. T. A. Brassey ; " The Dairy Industry in the Colonies," by Mr. Samuel Lowe ; " Western Canada : Before and Since Confederation," by Sir Donald A. Smith ; and " The Financial Relations of the Empire : Can They be Improved ? " by Sir G. Baden-Powell.

The Chairman's Manual. (Elliot Stock.) — This " concise reference book for those who have to preside at public meetings" has a utility which it is needless to state. Most of us know the vast practical difference between the meeting with a strong chair man and the meeting with a weak one. No book can turn the weak into the strong, but it is something to know what ought to be done. A few useful hints are given to the " chairman " whom it is thought necessary to have at lectures. The gist of them may be given in the words, " The less he says the bettor ! "