20 NOVEMBER 1897, Page 38


Poetical Greetings from the Far East. (Hasegowa, Tokyo ; and Sampson Low and Co.)—These Japanese poems are translated into English from the German version of Dr. Karl Florenz by Mr. A. Lloyd. Since the originals are thus two stages removed from what meets the English reader's eye, it is a little difficult to feel sure that one is getting anything approaching the real thing. Still, we must not forget that the Prayer-book version of the Psalms was translated from the Vulgate ; and we are bound to admit that many of these little poems read very pleasantly. The book before us is printed in Japan, and with native illustrations. Most of them are extremely charming, especially the little tail- pieces and edgings. Occasionally one sees in the landscapes the influence of Western art, but happily the pictures, as a rule, are en the true Japanese lines. The effects of colour are often quite delightful. One picture in particular may be selected for praise. It shows the blood-red leaves of a maple in autumn standing out against a sky in which rooks are being blown about by the wind.