20 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 11

New EDITIONS. - The Water Babies, by Charles Kingsley (Macmillan

and Co., 15s. net), appears in a handsome edition, with large print, spacious margins, and a general appearance of

magnificence which suite the book admirably. And there is the attraction of thirty-two full-page illustrations in colour from the pencil of Mr. Walter Goble. These are not of the common elegant sort, but have a well-marked originality which makes them remarkably imitable to a text which is certainly anything but

common.—All the following are published by Messrs. Mackie and. Son :—One of the Fighting Scouts, by Captain F. S. Brereton (a story of the South African War) ; Under Drake's Flag, and Orange and Green (a tale of Boyne and Limerick), by G. A. Henty ; The Dragon of Pekin, by Captain Brereton (these at 3s. 6d. each) ; A Mystery of St. Rule's, by Ethel F. Heddle (3s.) ; The World of Animal Life (from mammals down to protozoa), Edited by W. F. Smith (2s. 6d.) ; The Water Babies, by Charles Kingsley (1s. 6d.) ; The Secret of the Australian Desert, by Ernest raven° (2s.) ; Popular Fairy-Tales, by Hans Christian Andersen (2s.), containing, among others, "The Ice Maiden," "The Little Mermaid," and "The Metal Pig?'