20 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 33


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] EIB,-YOU were kind enough to publish last August a letter about the steps that we (the National Trust) are taking to save this Gorge from destruction, and the result of that letter has been that many subscriptions have been sent in. We have raised £500 out of the necessary 21,100 which must

'be raised by the end of March if the Cheddar Gorge is to be safeguarded for all time. A letter just received from Tas- mania is worth quoting in this connexion. Our correspondent

-writes :—


"I am not in Somersetshire, and have little cash to spare, 'but seeing your letter in the Spectator of August 21st, I enclose P.0.0. for .21. After having been over much of the world, I recall no place which seemed to have more of the Divine Presence, and the quarrying I saw there disgusted me more than if it had been going on in Wells Cathedral. The 'Greeks and Romans would have held such a place sacred, and nothing reflects more on local feeling than that the destruction should have been allowed, or having been begun should have -continued so long. When there I did what I could by writing to the papers and the local authorities, but I was told that nothing 'could be done. This Gorge has been in formation during the --whole of the Mesozoic and Tertiary times There are

people who if the New Jerusalem were to descend from God out of the heavens would only look upon it as so much per ton for road material."

I take this opportunity of saying that local meetings to raise the necessary funds for the protection of the Gorge have been arranged for December let at 3.30, at the house of Stanley Badock, Esq., Westbury-on-Tym, Bristol, and on December 2nd at Weston-super-Mare, at The Bungalow, at 7.30 in the evening. Might I be allowed to remind your readers interested in the work of the National Trust that next Tuesday, the 23rd inst., the annual meeting will be held in the Royal Society's Rooms at Burlington House at 3.30, when H.R.H. the Princess Louise will preside? At this meeting further particulars of the Cheddar Gorge Fund will be given.