20 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 20


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sm,—Your correspondent from the Athenaeum in your issue of November 13th has unfortunately in his test story given a version very difficult to believe. No counsel when pleading before the High Court in a " case concerning a public house," would say, as your correspondent states, " and by the way that reminds me only last week I saw your Honour (sic) going into such and such a public house."

The more plausible version as given in a recent number of a legal publication is, " A member of the Senior Bar . . remarked by way of illustration, ' Supposing I saw your Lordship going into a public house Coming in, you mean,' observed his Lordship sweetly."

Fiat experimentum in corpore Athenaeo.—I am, Sir, &e., W. S.