20 OCTOBER 1838, Page 5

1R'tL.\ P.

'1'1m NJ:lure hi71 reasserts its stetement respeethq the atteirout of the 3i inise y to patia the Lyndhurst Irish Corporation Bill in thu House ef Commons. Ey experience we know that it is cafe ta ciii :1:e deillem.te es: cilium of our Belfast contemporary ; and i 1 the prusuent instarreo, not vi Ltstaliding the held deldal of the Dna:, :le Su cet Li aide, we Idly believe that he states " noullims but .a.u. truth."

The co:tither ion of the Plecursor Society is to be remoielled. it a letter to the Pilot. Mr. 0*Conueil says- " I have lisd iti may communications from vari0113 and some highly iuu1 persons of the Liberal party, who say that they are ready to hi: Pre.mrscr, to coireerate in workin out my experiment to obtain justice from the I mr.cd Parlianemt, to the fall extent to which I seek it, but that they are unwiiliug e. pledge thems..lves it present to become parties to the lt,peal nyizetn; they add, that it looks like it political trap, to atic them to pledge thcmse'ves an alteroatiee, that of Pepeal, to which they tlnak we shall never arrive, be- cause they ex.,:ect that a simultatleous movenieut of all Ireland, 1leirea7ers aid Non-Repeal,rs, combined, would secure justice to Iralarrl exactly as emancipa- tion was carried. This rais..s time question whether the Ptecursor Society shogul include those who ;ire Nonstlepealers, and who are meat prest at ready to themselves to bearra,e Repealer s hereafter. I have deeply considered this point; aud have no hesitation in saying, that in my opinion we should include, if pet. sible, all cla."es and creeds of Irisinuen—Non-llepeolers, Contiagent and Outsanihout Repealers—Catholics, Protestants, Presbyterians, and Pis. seaters. This is the only way to make our experiment complete. If our mx - periment succeeds, the :Si onsltepealers will have a triumph; if our experiment fails, the Contingent Repealers will 41.,n the Thorough ltepealers; awl we win then dissolve the Precursors, a: d look to the form tiou and tootle of organiente, NATIONA L ASSOCIATION OF A II. IRELAND."

fle suggests that a Committee should be formed in Dublin, to ue culled " A Committee for framing the constitution of the Precursor Society of Ireland, to consist of five persons from every parish where. a Precursor meeting Las been held, and of every person who had enrolled and paid for nineteen members besides himself. To this Com- mittee the following heads of the constitution are to be submitted.

" First, To maintain entire, connal, devoted, and immovable lm alty. devotioN and allegismee to her most gracious Majesty, our beloved Qitgeu Victoria, ausl her in.irs sue,e,sors tn ever.

t• S..eowl. To obtain ror Ireland all the Parliamentary franchises awl rights or of the British peple, muy coimahuieating to each of the three divibiuus in the 1 rt..; Iiio4dom all that is valuable awl averted iu t.uch di%14ous. "1.1Ord. To obtain for lrelanil her due propartiou of Members in the I. P-url iument .

P,airth, To u',tain au entire reorm of our Corporations, Wink ii in every rel., t with the Engiish Corporation liefuria " Fifth, To olltain we helmet the total extinctiun of fither,w hether called rent de: rve or by any other name; and thus :wain an equalization of religious liberty, by the

abolition of all coutpalsory pays“ents iou church to winch the people of Irtilaud net bdong. SiN.111, To comb:ue In the pursait of these objects nuiverml Ireland or

every class 3:Iii circa—Repeaters, Isloultepealars, Con:ingeut elics,

Piot ots, l'reslry Lai ans. and Dissenters.

"Ssveuth, Sltmld the Bluish Parlianseut refuse to grant to the 'melee of frelasni mm. equalization of civil and religious rights, theft this Precursor Society will stand di'. solved, and all sincere friend, of (reload will join its the organisation of a Natio Astociation, in order to restore to Ireland, lay all constitutional aud legal mcau., Is,: legslative lights anti her domestic l'Arliattielit. " Eighth, Every p,rson who is already enrolled, or shall hereafter be enrolled by payment of one shilling to Mr. Ray, the Secretary, shall be a member of this Pre- cursor Society. " Resolved, That this constitution of the Precursor Society be now adopted, and that. accordingly, Irishmen of all shades of political opinion, and of :di permaslons and creeds, be Invited to join in the great experintent to ascertain whether justice to Ireland can be obtained from the British Legislature. "Tell everybody that I want two millions of Precursors, Give me two millions of Piecurvors,aud my experiment trill be complete. Less will not do."

[Suppose the two millions of shillings—the 100,0001.—are not col- lected, will the experiment be continued, and a similar demand made next year? Is not the " humbug " of this new agitation now trans- parent?)

A Precursor meeting was held at New Ross on Sunday last ; Mr. J. H. Talbot, M. P., in the chair. 'Mr. Talbot said, that in voting for the tithe-bill, he had "yielded to the importunities of Mr. O'Connell." An attempt was made to get up three cheers for O'Connell; but, according to the rather suspicious statement of the Morning Post's Dublin correspondent, the assembly refused to respond to the call.