20 OCTOBER 1838, Page 9



The torpor under which the Money Market has so long laboured, has been succeeded by a temporary return to something like activity; and we have to announce the uncommon event of a fluctuation to the extent of inure than 3 per cent. in one day. A rumour prevailed dining Tuesday, that intelligence of the resignation of Lord DA7RIIANI had reached England ; but it was not believed, and the Consol Market, which had been slightly depressed by the settlement of that day, rallied on Wednesday morning about per cent. : some sales then occur'red, and the market fell suddenly :lime than per cent., and has since declined about A per cent. more ; to rally again to within a per cent, of the price from which the decline beg in. The quozation for the Account before the fill was 94i ; on Wednesday the lowest price was 933 ; on Thursday 933; and the closing price of this afternoon is 933 94. We may add, that in addi.ion to Lord DURO.% At'S resignation, the intelligence from India produced some effect upon the market. Money is unusually scarce, when it is considered that the Dividends have just been paid; and there seems every prospect of the demand for the employment of capital continuing for the rest of the year; the rate of discount being :3!) per cent., which is to 1 per cent, higher than usual at this period. The pre- mium upon Exchequer Bills has been as low as 62s., but has improved to-day 65.. to 67s.

In the Foreign Market, the Northern European Stocks have undergone some fluctuation, consequent upon the agitation of the Consul Market ; but the busi- ness transacted has been unimportant, and they may be quoted from to 6 per cent, lower than last week. Brazilian Bonds are also heavier, in the absance of any intelligence front Rio Janeiro, and are to-day quoted at 7-s3 to 79. The other South American Bun& are without variation, as are the Mexican Securities. Spanish Stock has been steady between 17J and 18, with little doing. Porta- guese Securities were firmer; and on Wednesday the Five per Cent. (Regency) were at 331, and the Three per Cents. at 22k; but both have since fallen back about per cent. The Railway Shares are generally firm ; and on Tuesday and Wednesday there appeared to be a disposition for investment in this rtesc;iation of security ; but it has been checked by the altered state of the Stock Market ; and time transactions of yesterday and to-day have been unimportant, the market re- maining firm at the unproved quotations. London and Birmingham are, how- ever, 2/. per share higher, having been done at 85 prem., or 173/. per share. Brighton have also advanced about 108. per share. SATURDAY, TWELVR (remelt. We have very little business this morning, and almost every description o Stock is at yetterday's prices; Spanish Stock is, however, from A to A per cent. lower. The Railway Shares are without any transactions of importance or ma- terial variation.

3 p.r Cent . 931

Ditto for Account 933 4 3 per Cent. Redo.- 1 921 'Sea 31 per Cent. Anus

1011 1

Bank Stosk 2031 4


2611 :2

Ditto Bonds 67 pm Eacheimer Bills 66 7 in

Itelgiau 5 yer Coots

1031 4

Brazilian 5 per Cents 7dt 9

Danish 741 5 Dateh 21 per Cents 531 4 Portuguese Regency 5 p.CtS 324 3 Ditto :4 per Cent. 201 11 Russiati (1522)5 per Cent 1114 12

Spanish (183i) 5 per Cent 171 :

Dereired Stook 71 1 Passive Ditto 41 5