20 OCTOBER 1900, Page 14


Siu,—May I venture to point out that in the notice of the Royal Holloway College Calendar for 1900-1 which appeared in the Spectator of October 13th there is a serious inaccuracy which is calculated to give a wrong impression to your readers? Your reviewer states that "for the ten entrance scholarships there were just as many candidates, the subjects of French, German, and physics bringing into the field no candidates at all." The facts are as follows. In 1899 eight entrance scholarships were offered. Twenty-eight candidates presented themselves, of whom several offered French, German, or physics. In 1900 for the same number of scholarships there were fifty-one candidates. A mistake in the numbers seems to have arisen through some confusion between the entrance scholarships and certain founder's scholarships offered under special conditions to students already in residence. With regard to the number of students, I should like to add that it has steadily increased since the opening of the College in 1887. There are one hundred and twenty students in residence this year, a number which com- pares not unfavourably with the record of any other College for women in its thirteenth year.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Royal Holloway College, Egham, Surrey.

[We much regret the error to which Miss Penrose draws attention.—En. Spectator.]