20 OCTOBER 1906, Page 1


THE news from Morocco this week is of a distinctly dis- quieting nature. On Tuesday a despatch was published in Paris from General Lyautey, the commander of the French troops on the Algerine-Moroccan frontier, stating that pre- parations continue for a Holy War. " Mulai Abu, cousin of the Sultan, has gone the round of the tribes and has obtained the suspension of intestine quarrels and an agreement to take the field towards the middle of November. It is certain that a point of concentration has been chosen on the Wad Ghir and that an armed camp is being formed there. The tribe of Beni Guil have informed me that emissaries from Tafilet have urged them to take part in the movement." The Petit Parisien, to which this despatch was communicated, adds that General Lyautey concludes by asking permission of the French Government, in case of need, to take measures for the protection of the Algerian frontier. Further news points to the fact that the preparations for action among the Moroccan tribes continue unabated, and it is asserted that open hostilities are likely to take place as soon as Ramadan, the month of fasting, and the religious festival which follows it, are past. This, the correspondent of the Times in Paris states, will bring us to "the third week in October,"—presumably a slip of the pen for November.