20 OCTOBER 1906, Page 2

The Lord Mayor and Corporation of London have been entertained

with lavish hospitality by the city of Paris and the French Government during the past week. The festivities .culminated on Monday, when the Lord Mayor in his state carriage, attended by Aldermen, Sheriffs, Swordbearer, Mace- bearer, and City Marshal, paid an official visit to the President of the Paris Municipal Council at the Hotel de Ville, was re- ceived by the President at the Elysee in the afternoon, and in the evening was entertained at a great banquet attended by the Prime Minister, M. Sarrien, the Presidents of both Chambers, and practically all the heads of the great Government Departments and Services. M. Fallieres in a graceful speech of welcome observed that the Parisians greeted their visitors with peculiar warmth "because they desired above all things to express the affectionate sentiments which not only they but the whole of France feel for their friends on the other side of the Channel"; while the President of the Municipal Council declared that the friend- ship of the French people and that of England "was not the enthusiasm or impulse of a day, but the expression of a feeling based on reflection and profound conviction." These expressions of goodwill were heartily reciprocated by Sir Walter Vaughan Morgan, who laid stress on the mutual advantages in the direction of municipal progress to be derived from such visits.