20 SEPTEMBER 1828, Page 15


J. Heeter and S. Tree, Crown-street, Finsbury, boot and shoemakers—S.W. Barnes and 0. Coster, Brown-street, Bryanston-square, chemists—J. Si. Aleggison and G. W. Poole, Gray's-inn, attorneys—J. Bore, J. Davy, and J. Gilbert, Devonport, brewers ; as far as regards J. Hore—T. Voile and R. Malin, Hinckley, Leicester- shire, drapers—J. Heywood and J. Hart, Wigan, Lancashire, dyers—J. and. C. Sten- son, Prince's-street, Wardour-street, Soho, anti Rathbone-place, Oxford-street, book- sellers—W. Wornell and J. Terrell, Stoke-under-Hamdon, Somersetshire, glove- manufacturers—T. Moore and E.G. Deane, Liverpool, glass-bottle-manufacturers- T. and W. Graham, Bath, linen-drapers—E. and H. Dearman, J. Haselden, and B. Maziere, Liverpool and Tunis ; as far as regards J. Haseldea—S. and S. Hersey, Ports:ea, booksellers—T. Gregory and T. Barber, Sheffield, fender-makers—J. Hud- son, and W. Cash, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, bobbin-net-manufacturers—J. Friend and S. Hathway, Bristol, maltsters—J., J., and T. S. Cordeux, Barnsley, Yorkshire, linen-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Cordeux, sen.


Sept. 12—Isaac Worley, Fish-street-hill, hotel-keeper.

Sept. 15—Henry Neave Rickman, Worcester-street, Southwark, brush-maker. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.

Thomas Fortune, Heighington, Durham, cattle-jobber.


George Harris, North-buildings, Finsbury, bill-broker, to snrrender Sept. 19, :10, Oct. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Sir. Norton, Jewin- street, Jewin-crescent.

Isaac Lee, Bankside, Southwark, timber-merchant, Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 29, at the Bankrupts' Court, Bashighall-street : solicitor, Mr. Walker, Gloucester-street, Queen-street.

George Smallbones, Bath-place, New-road, St.Pancras, glass-cutter, Sept. 23, Oct. 17, 29, at theBankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Gill, Milman- street, Bedford-row.

John Winder, Leicester, draper, Sept. 23, :30, Oct. 28, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Sambrook-court, Basinghall-street. John Shaw, Newsome, Yorkshire, merchant, Oct. 10, 11, 28, at the offices of Messrs. Jacob and Tindale, Huddersfield: solicitor, Mr. Van Sandau, Old Jewry, William and James Maunder, Morchard Bishop, Devonshire, serge-manufacturers, Sept. 24, 25, Oct. 28, at the Globe Hotel, Exeter : solicitors, Messrs. Anderton and Scott, Bridge-street, Blackfriars. Robert Metcalf, otherwise Robert Metcalfe, Haddiscoe, Norfolk, miller, Oct. 2, 3, 29, at the Star Inn, Great Yarmouth: solicitor, Mr. Francis, New Boswell-court. John Thurtell, Great Yarmouth, commission-agent, Oct. 2, 3, 28, at the Star Inn, Great Yarmouth: solicitor, Mr. Austin, Holborn-court, Gray's-inn.

James Brearley, Mihnow, Lancashire, shopkeeper, Sept. 30, at the George Hotel, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, Oct. 11, at the White Lion Inn, Halifax, and Oct. 28, at the George Hotel, Dewsbury: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye, Fisher, and Suchow, Chan- cery-lane.


Nov. I, W. Lyne and T. Sudell, Liverpool, merchants—Oct. 9, 31. Hirst, Meltham, Yorkshire, clothier—Oct. 9, S. Bottomley, Huddersfield, woolstapler—Nov. 7, J. Lawrence, Park-place, St. James's-street, tailor—Nov. 7, W. Mill, Fore-street, woollen-draper—Nov. 4, It. 13ousfield, White Horse-yard, Drury-lane, woollen- draper—Oct. 28, J. Cook, Burr-street, East Smithfield, tailor—Oct. 24, E. and J. Mitchell, High-street, Southwark, woollen-drapers—Nov. II, T. Denman, Old Bond-street, tailor—Oct. 8, S. Carr, Lincoln, corn-factor—Oct. 8, J. B. Bellamy, Shipston-upon-Stour, scrivener—Oct. 15, H. Bell, Leeds, victualler—Oct. 9, W Cooke, 3licklehurst, Cheshire, printer—Sept. 30, J. Chisholm, Harwich, chemist— Oct. 9, J., T., and S. Shaw, Almondbury, Yorkshire, fancy-cloth-manufacturers- Oct. 9, J. Boothroyd, Almondbury, Yorkshire, faney.cloth-manufacturer —Nov. 4, N. S. Chapman, Boughton Malherbe, Keel, dealer.


To be granted, unless cause be stoma to the contrary on or before Oct. 7. 3. Salter and J. 8; Foster, Kingston, Surrey, brewers—R. Mellor, Salford, iron- monger—J. Jardine, Birchin-lane, stationer—P. Turner, Liverpool, nt erchant—T. S. Livingston, Salford, machiue-maker—R. Watson, Birmingham, chandler—S. Ever. all, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer.

Friday, Sept. 19.


W. Davis and W. Ludlow, St. James's-street, Clerkenwell, jewellers—J. Clemet- son and W. Robinson, Upper Thames-street, wholesale grocers—G. and It. Wilson, Wakefield, Yorkshire, mercers—H. Duckworth and H.C. Watkins, Liverpool, cottons brokers—J. Holmes anti AI. Norwood, Howden, Yorkshire, corn-merchants—Ws Maddock and J. Pinnington, Liverpool, watch-case.makers—G. Trotter and G. Mof- fatt, Whitechapel-road, linen-drapers—R. and E. Phillips and IL Cooper, Westing- ton, Herefordshire, farmers ; so far as regards H. Cooper—C. J. Stewart cud V. C. Howell, High Holborn, booksellers.


Sept. 19—John Adair Gee, Doctors'-Commons, money-scrivener.

naNxice ere v ENLARGED.

Charles Cunningham, Bryanston-street, Portman-square, money-scrivener, from Sept. 12 to Sept. 30.


Thomas Luff, Long-lane, Bermondsey, victualler, to surrender Sept. 30, Oct. 7,31, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Child and Mann, Upper Thames-street. Agnes Boone and John Boone, Piccadilly, hatters, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 31, at the Bankrupts' Court, 13asingliall-street : solicitor, Mr. Coe, Hatton-garden.

George Lind, Liverpool-street, Battle-bridge, merchant, Oct. 6, 7,31, at the Bank- rupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Collier, Alatchant, Birch, and Steel, Carey-street.

Hugh Daniel Watkins, Limehouse-hole, mast-maker, Sept. 23, 26, Oct. 31, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghaltstreet : solicitors, Messrs. Stevens, Wood, and Wil- kinson, Little St. Thomas Apostle.

William Hone, Ludgate-hill, bookseller, Sept. 23, Oct. 3, 31, at the Bankrupts' Court, Ilasingliall-street : solicitor, Air. Hornier, Hatton-garden.

John Jones Cook, Southwark-bridge-road, coach-maker, Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 31, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Guest, Lawrence-lane, Cheapside.

John Schofield, Middleton, Lancashire, coal-dealer, Oct. 7, 8, 31, at the Star Inn, Manchester solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, Walmsley, and Gorton, Chancery-lane. Joseph Crosland, Honley, Yorkshire, scribbling-miller, Oct. 13, 15, at the Ses- sions-house, Leeds, Oct. 31, at the Sessions-house, Wakefield: solicitors, Messrs. Evans, Stevens, and Evans, Gray's-inn-squares DIVIDENDS.

Oct. 11, W. Frost, Abergavenny, hatter—Oct. 11, J. Robinson, Warbrick-moor, Lancashire, victualler—Nov. 7, J. nisto%v, jun., Witham, Essex, miller—Oct. 16, W. Brice, Bristol, merchant—Oct. 13, W. Hartshorn, Upper John-street, Islington, maltster—Oct. 11, S. Foster, Leicester, tallow-chandler—Oct, 15, S. Shipley, Bos- ton, glover—Nov. 11, J. Chisholm, Harwich, chemist—Oct. 15, J. Humby, Bath, oilman—Oct. 15, J. Harding, Hem, Shropshire, grocer—Oct. 17, Z. Trehern and 0. Stevens, Hereford, timber-merchants.


To he granted, unless cause be shwa to the contrary, on or before Oct. 10. C. Ill'Calum, Albury-m ills, Surrey, paper-manufacturer—W. Aston, Tollend and Cosely iron-works, Staffordshire, iron-master.