20 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 5

accompanied Earl Grey to Oxenford, we leave him there, enjoying

the repose of the Sabbath ; till we bring up Ldrd Brougham, whom we left last week at Inverness. While Lard Grey was travelling from the South towards Edinburgh, Lord Brougham—eager to snatch some of his well-earned laurels from the late Premier—was moving down upon the capital from the North. He left Inverness on the morn- ing of the 4th instant, for Dingwall, on his way to Dmirobin Castle, the seat of the Duke of Sutherland. On his entrance into Dingwall, he was met by a procession, headed by the Provost, Magistrates, clergy. man, and the Sheriff of Ross and Crumarty. An address with the freedom of the burgh was presented to his Lordship ; who, after acknowledging the honour, and paying some compliments to the Sheriff,* one of his old and intimate-friends—worthy, Lord Brougham said, of a much higher office than the Shrievalty, to which he had been too lately promuted—proceeded to Dunrobin Castle. While at Dun- robin, addresses from the Northern Burghs, including Wick, Dornock, Taira, and Cromarty, were presented to him. In reply, the Chancellor referred to the hearty support he had given to Burgh Reform, and expressed his own determination and that of his colleagues to proceed with deliberate caution in a course of improvement.

After leaving Dunrobin on Tuesday the 9th, lie passed through Forces ; where the Civic authorities, Tradss, &c. received him with due foram, and presented him with an address. He then went to Elgin ; where, in pursuance of an arrangement made with him while at Dun- robin, he was expected to spend some hours. So great, however, was his haste to proceed on his journey, that he had scarcely patience to wait while an address was read to him. He did not enter into conver- sation with any of the gentlemen around Lim ; refused to partake of the collation prepared for him' though a large party anxiously desired it; but having taken a glass of wine and a fig, hurried into his car- riage in the most insulting manner, amidst the jeers and hisses of the crowd, and cries of " You're a shabby fellow." These facts we derive from the E4,ia Conrier ; a Tory journal, we suppose.

On Wednesday, Lord Brougham arrived at Aberdeen, accom- panied by Mr. Bannerman. The Magistrates went out in pro- cession to meet him, and escorted him to the Town- hall; where the freedom of the city was presented, with an appropriate address

from the Lord Provost. Lord Brougham's reply descanted on Burgh Reform, and so forth. After leaving the Town-hall, he proceeded to the Court-house, to receive addresses from the Society of Advocates, and the Principal arid Professors of King's College (who presented him with the diploma of Doctor of Laws) ; also from the beads of Mriris- ehal College, the civil authorities of Kintyre, and Old Aberdeen. In reply to tee address from Marischal College, Lord Brougham especially referred to the establishment of Londou University, which he claimed to have founded with the assistance of Thomas Campbell.

In the evening, a dinner was given to Lend Breughain, in the County

Rooms, attended by 360 gentlemen. After the usual preliminary toasts, Provost Blakie, the Chairman, proposed the licalth of "the Lord Brougham and Vaux." This being enthusiastically received, elicited a long speech from Lord Brougham; of which the following are the most remarkable passages. It would be affectation in me not to aekirowledge also, in the same mariner as I do, Your love awl ailirh ion, in common with all the Peopleof Scotland, towards his Majesty

Mr. Janliue, till very lately (if he is not still) one of the staachest of Tories.

the gratitude which I feel for the reeeprou yon have given ate as a Sots vii. a uative of your own country—as a popular Minister. a Minister who is a Meal to the People--- as one who highly prizes and appreciates the fixed institutions ur the country —as one

who has assisted in amending the imperfections of those institutions under which the country has long flourished, and continues to &ankh --as one St ho wonit lay down his life to preserve them; yet as one who woad also go to the uttermost parts of the earth to improve them, nail to make them yet more tiewrving of this love and veneration of

his Majesty's subjects, and yet more mire of a lasting endurance, end therefore yet ;nor& entitled to perpetuity. Gentlemen. I speak to Scotsmen—to edreated men--to reason. iug men—to deliberative, reflecting men Therefore it is that I have no oecsaion to say that, in the avowal I have now made of the principle: which have actuated me since I came into public life—an avowal that I am the frien I of I he institutious of the country, and that I would lay down my life to stay revolution ; yet. tool at the same time. and in the same degree, in which I mould make the sacriflee and per Ginn the act of seirdevotion. that I am a friend to the reform of these institutions : awl there is nothing in the slightest degree imicousistent in this, as the one part of tho proposition lives and stands in company with and twines round the other. ft would require a fool. an absolute fool, to suppose that there is any thing inconsistent iu the two propositious, Yet I have heard myself lately charged sill, having lightly relinquished the principles o :deb I have hitherto held ; that I am no longer a Whig ; that I have forgone the tenets of Reform—lost all respect for the institutions of the country—all desire for their into ovs.ment, ir that be necessary. And this charge is made against me because I said the other day, and du say it with the same conscientious sincerity, that of au assembly name grave, more pure and spotless, more marked by profound legislative wisdom, than this present Refornoal House of Commons. the history of the world offers no examale. But then, at the same time that this opinion was propounded, it was said moat ads House of Commons had passed two or three bills which required the correcting hand of the other I louse. and that the lloti,e of Loots deserved well of the country Or cor- recting these three bills. And right, else why have a House of Lords, if it is not to exercise its deliberative functions in every measure which may come before it? I have s rid that the Reformed House of Commons—in "Willett I repose undivided conlidetwe, at which cannot be surpassed —sent up two or three bills which could only have beam agreed to by it iu the hurry attending the close of the late se::siun of l'arlia• /neut. But when I said that the !louse was, on other grounds, entitled to veneration. love, and affection, awl that it equalled any. and excelled most assemblies of which the history of naticus has left us any trace, I did not say that it was not compowd of men. I did net say that, by the ;massing of the Reform Bill. that lioese aould he in. capable of and above all reformation or impriNement. I did not say that all its acts would be immaculate, and that they would stand in no need of revision. I never spoke such trash, whatever fools might have said, and whatever fools might haw believer% judging of my measures by their own folly. Of such I may say, as the wise man of obi ;aid. • Though you bray a fool in a mortar. yet his idly v ill not depart front him.' Inirn I sqw a bill come up from the Lower House, proposing to disfranchise a be roagh eon/airtime/ 1239 rulers, because 19 of the voters had been guilty 4 rev iviny bribes,— when I saw that Me, the ll'aruielt ftisfranchisement Bill, abandoned by those who had the management of it, by the noble Lord Ly whom it was taken in charge,—for the noble Lord 1, Imo was the Mistily friend of that bill, I mean may lord Radnor, that faithful and What friend of the liberty of the subject, was satistlis1 that the bill mould not be per- severed in.—though the rejection or this measure was wholly charged on roe, yet it is a fact well known. that Lord Radnor, in time House or Lords, declared himself of the sour opinf011 as myself. although some of my friends did kindly suppress that part of his spec .11. Ile agreed with every wool objets I said ; and he declared his opinion that it wile inTossible fur the bill to pass, and accordingly voted for throw ins it out. Them House of Commons were not to blame in tide affair : they have nut the power of ex- amining witnesses on oath. mind tho witnesses told them oue thing, and the House of Lords, on oath, another. The [louse of Commons were obliged to decide uu hearsay evidence ; the House of lords hart mom sure grouthis ; the result mos. that they aunt the evidence given on the bill to lime Commons uustipporteil ; for im oat very often hippo m that a man will say one thing and swear another. I have detained you too long on the subject. I beg to slate, that I sat on the Warwick Bill as a judge; I pre- si. led in a jimilicial capacity, to decide ;1mi:online to my conscience. That &eke's, it has been said. awl ttgaimad all my prejtul'ees, attach were in favour. strongly in Vic eat. of the bill; and that I was running against myself, and against my own views. This might be true ; and it ryas also true that my pricate and political frien,:s were also is fosanr at it and the object 4 the bill was one which I appro-rd--1 diers the disfranchisement of persons and burghs fund guilty of foil try. 1 decided Cm/c- lime iu opposition to my prejudices and inclinations. in favour or a political adversary. . . . . . . . Though I have said that I do not now come into such frequent contact with the People as I was wont to do before being raised to the proud situation in which t am placed. 1 cannot avoid recollecting that I am now the member of totother House of Parliament. which is indeed necessary in the ConMitution ; awl thinigh latterly—in the last two or three bills rejeettal by my own advice—it has rendered im- portant services, important measures which were passed through the Loa er Ilouse in the hurry of legislation trod at time end of the session, yet, notwithstnieling all this, cannot but think my uature was rather formed for the other Ilonse of Parliament ; and my opinions are more in unison unit those principleg which mu prevalent among the members of that House, than with time unthrtunate prejudices (I call them by no other name) which prevail in the Ilbuse to mimic!' I now belong. It is lint fair, himever, to that House. and to his Majesty's Miuisters, to declare how much the House of Lords has done, notwithstandiug the opposition of a great portion of that !Lusa to the endeavours which have been made to better the institutions Gf the county:, t r im- prove the taws and promote the cause of general order."

Lord Brougham then referred to the principal measures of the Government during the last two years, and concluded with these words— '.113, principles remain the same as they have been since thirty years ago, when I first offered on opinion upon any political measure, and took a share in pubis! ti ; and when I shall find einse. from conscientious reasons, to alter my opinions in any parti- cular upon public questions—alien I m.o.° to love my country—when I become the advocate of wholesale, rash, nod unwholesome innovation and change—then, au.I not till then, shall 1 depart from that path which I have always insides, or depart from opinions a hid', every day I live, every hour I breathe, every thing I see, every thing 1 lwar, ever thing t feel, convince me are sound and rational, an I mast prevail:'

Earl Grey's health was proposed ; and Lord Brougham again rose to return thanks. He spoke as follows-

" Although no longer in direct connexion a lib that distinguished =bicolor% as a member of his alajesty's Government, yet, in the spirit of one of his warmest admirers, and seeing that I shall have soon au opportunity of meeting bi-n awl dimlaring to him the manner in which von have mentioned his name, and atom; with all his Majesty's . subjects manitested your love to and veneration for that great and distinguished man, I cannot remain silent or avoid acknowledging the toast. Yen will be all aware of the

absurd awl stupid and indefensible attacks which, in coltueliou with that Minister's restgwit ion. have been showered against nee; not one word of which is true or deserved. But (said the 1 nod Chancellor in an imnpassioned manner; a day 4 retribution is at hand—it appr.,.: hes. I hare allowed certain persons to go on ; —they hare gone on—the

net is encl.,: • round therm, ant they shall seas be held up to ridicule and to scorn ay. and to ponig,,,, mt. (Continvedchetrs.) It might have ha ppeued, that for some purpose

or other, so) .d :t public nature, or for same purpose which honestly might have rendered me anxious that that wish should be realized,-1 say it might have happened that I miaht,hma%c wished tlw retirement of Earl Grey; but if that had hers the ca,e, Low should and how warn I have acted ? I would have first told Earl Grey himself, secondly my Sovereign, and thirdly the Parliament. lint I had no such wish. I had nu such desire : nor did any motive present itself to me to lead me to a ash for his re.ire. ment ; and 1 am one who laments. deeply laments ilk calamity. falsehood of

the so attack; all shall he math to believe in a very short time; except perhaps one or to., contort:00de nab% ideals ; Out although they miy not be made 1, beliere, Meg art be nrule to frei and their conduct Redd np to the view of a discerning country."

The health of Mr. Bannerman, Member for Aberdeen, was drunk with api.lause. He returned thanks ; and proposed that of Lords Melbourne and Althorp, in terms of high eulogy. Lord Brougham returned thanks for his colleagues ; whose abilities and patriotism he also lauded. The party soon afterwards broke up. Lord Brougham proceeded riext to Brechni Castle, the scat of Lord Parnmire ; having received several addresses on his road. While lit Brechin, he attended a numerous meeting held in the church. A platform was erected before the pulpit ; where the freedom of both lirechin arid Arbroath was presented to him, with an address approving of his public conduct; which drew forth a

reply very similar to his speech at Inierness. Ile said, that having traversed Scotland frotn North to South, be had found but one

feeling In prevail,--that if sincere ayarliment to his Alajesty and his

lifintsters ; ut the game time, expressing Ids belief that the kind revel). tion he had met with at Brechin, " loos not lo be (WA ibuted to their respect for himself, but lo their freling towards their worthy neighbour, the long-tried friend 11 civil and religious liberty, Lord Panniure." In the evening, Lord Pramuae entertained u large party at dinner ; the Earl of Camperdown and Lord Advocate Mm ray being among the guests. The next place of importance which the Chancellor visited, was Dundee ; which he reached on Fi id sly the 11 th. Preparations had been made to give him a public reception. The Town- Council toted him the freedom of the borough, and the (:uildry of their incorporation. The Provost, Magistrates, and Dean of Guild, aerornpanied by Lord Camperdown, met the Chancellor on the eastern boundary of the royalty, and escorted him first to the Town-hull, and than to the Steeple Church in Dundee ; where the addresses were read, and the ceremonial of presenting him with the freedom of the borough and the guild gone through. The Nine Trades also presented an address through their Convener.

Lord Brougham their addressed the assembly. After stating that nothing had ever afforded him greater gratification than the reception he had met with at Dundee t which he ascribed to. the dutiful loyalty of the inhabitants to their king, and not to any merits of his own), he went on to remark upon the importance of the support of the people at large to measures of improvement, and alluded to the apprehension that the privileged orders would oppose such measures, and strive to stem the current.

" In my opinion, the privileged classes would deserve a place in Bedlam if they were to trash to oppose it; or, were they to urea,,, that they could stem it, were they to try it, they would show themselves to be out of their sound senses ; but, even to wish to stem it If they could, would be to exhibit themselves as fit only for a place in Bedlam. (Great laughter.) Why, the improvement of maukind and the diffusion of useltil know. ledge are, of all the securities that the wit of man could &visa or the bounty of Provi- dence could confer. the best security for property, foe all that we hold precious in our institutions, for the peace, and tranquillity, and stability, and good order of the


In allusion to the policy of Ministers, he said--

" We shall first of all be sure that the abuse exists—next, that the remedy protiosed is sufficient to cure it. 'We shall take an extended view, anti ascertain clearly that we do

not injure other interests before we proceed to act ; but, after we have probed and ascer- tained the existence of the abuse, and looked well at the remedy, no than will venture to say that we are hesitating, vacillating, or flinching in the discharge of our duty, a higher our measures meet with the approval of our fellow-subjects or not. We will make our institutions lasting, by never rashly invading—by never removing any thing good—by sacrificing nothing to the mere love of change. But we will correct where abase exists --we will repair where defective—and, purifying all where corrupt, we will make our institutions last the longer. Gentlemen, in this vast assembly, I may be addressing persons of different principles and opinions. I respect an honest adversary, at ho makes no concealment of his views, but who honestly speak out. One may say, I am in favour of a Republican form of government, and have no inclination to bear the ex- pense of a Monarelay,or the expenseof a !home of Loots.' (Great cheering and laughter.) Ile is an honest and open adversary—he states at once what be thinks; and he speaks at once to the point on which we irreconcileably differ. In such an opinion, I for Illy part, minuet conscientiously agree: I am of opinion that the best form of government is a strictly limited and constitutional monarchy. (Cheering, mingled with hitter.) I MU eider that, although such an opinion may exist as that of preferring a Republican form of government, it is owing to imperfect reflection, and want of experience as to the best manner in which 'Inman affairs can he administered. My opinion is, that no sultli plan can succeed ; and it never did succeed in this country ; and it world inevitably lead to anarchy and confusion, as it 11118 done in other countries, and as it did ou a former occasion in this country, by ending in a military &statism."

He was, however, by no means blind to the lamentable defects of the House of Lords-

" I have not sat for four years in that House, to be imperfectly acquainted with them; and I can state without luisiiatien. that those defects have arisen from ignorance and the want of 'the diffusion or knowledge' amongst them. (Cheers and :au;sdtter.) but the defects likewise may be attributed, in a great number of instances. to a natural feeling iuherent in human nature; and really, under all circumstances, I can scat e.tly blame them : for deep apprehension, under the decided change m hick has taken place in the political aspect of this country, and the transferring into other and lit oral hands the prerogatives which used formerly to be coutintsi within very narrow limits —such as those brought about by the Reform iu Parliament, and in the Scottish Borough Reform Act, and the approaching reform iu the municipal institutions of F tiglano- - I really

don't wonder at them—I mould not like it mysel (continued laughter.) Bat I must nevertheless say. that it is very childish and foolish to assert that no Ilem.0 of Lords should exist. It is just the same thing as saying that there is no occasion for a corrective to the errors of haste and uversight, which the best Representatives or the People can by no means avoid in their acts of legislation. The existence of the House of Peers is thus of essential importance as a Court of Review ; and, mit& we admit its many de- fects, the' diffusion of knowledge' will surely in time reach its members, in the sand way as a similar advantage Inns reached, and is in progress of reaching, the other mem- bers of' the community." (Cheering and laughter.)

He concluded with paying a high compliment to Sir Henry Parnell ; whom he called one of the best friends of the human race, one of the most enlightened and talented men of the age, and one of his own earliest friends.

The meeting then broke up; and Lord Brougham had scarcely made his bow, when, says the Dundee Advertiser he flew like an arrow to the door, and down Union Street to the steam-boat, before one third of the assembly had left the church.

He arrived on Saturday at Edinburgh ; and in the afternoon attended a meeting of the learned society then sitting. He spent Sunday at Oxenford ; where Earl Grey, as we have already stated, was the nunoured guest of Sir John Dalrymple.