20 SEPTEMBER 1856, Page 9

The Hermann arrived yesterday off Cowes, en route to Bremen,

bring- ing advises from New York to the 6th instant. The interest of the intelligence turns upon the state of Kansas. As was anticipated, the Missourians had recovered from the effects of the successes which the Free-settlers had achieved by surprise. The belligerents had met in equal numbers at Ossawatomie ; and the Free-settlers had been defeated with the loss of their leader Mr. Brown, and his son, and twenty wounded. The Free-settlers gad been driven out of Leavenworth, and their property confiscated. The correspondent of the New York Tribune and his brother were killed. The Federal Government has called upon the authorities of Kentucky and Illinois to place each a regiment of State Militia at the disposal of the Federal General Smith, for the pur- pose of " restoring order." Major-General Richardson had of his own authority called out the Kansas Militia, and was, at the date of the latest advises, in possession of the roads from Iowa, thus barring out the Free emigrants. The new Governor, Colonel Geary, had arrived at St. Louis on the 14th August, on his way to Kansas.

There was reason to believe that the Government of Washington had determined to suppress the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco.