20 SEPTEMBER 1873, Page 1

The "fusion" in France seems already to be in a

bad way, and M. John Lenwinne, of the Journal des .Whats, who took it under his protection some short time ago, is now once more in grief as to its prospects. The Comte de Chambord makes no sign, and his followers are exceedingly discouraged by his silence. It is said that M. de Larcy, and 130 other Conservatives of the National Assembly, have sent an address to Henri V., in which they urge him to accept the Crown, if France comes and voluntarily offers it to him, even with the tricolour. But if our contemporary La France be right in asserting—what other papers, however, deny—that the impracticable Bourbon has just written to congratulate Monsignor Guibert, the Archbishop of Paris, on the pastoral in which he so fiercely attacks Italy for taking Rome from the Pope, there le, we should think, no chance of any offer of the Crown of France to Henri V., either with the tricolour or without it. The French Conservatism is very canny. Even if the Comte de Chambord had otherwise much chance of the throne, which we disbelieve, the National Assembly would not find a majority willing to offer it to a man who has thrown down such a challenge as this to a neighbouring State, on the very morrow after the exit of a conquering enemy. The electors of four departments (Garonne Superieure, Loire, Puy de Dome, and Nievre,) are to choose deputies on October 12 next—i.e., on Sunday three weeks—and then we shall see how the wind blows. In the meantime, the Comte de Chambord is so true to himself

that his friends refuse to be comforted.