20 SEPTEMBER 1919, Page 13


SIR,—T am glad to see the letter of " Doctor Oxon " in last Saturday's issue, though it demands from me an apology—to Professor Oman in particular—for having written of Mr. Mar- riott as a University member. The prominence of Mr.Marriott's services to the University is my excuse for thinking of him as one who should be mentioned, but is no excuse for extruding Professor Oman. Let them both work for the purpose of which I wrote, and "Doctor Oxon " too, please. May I say that did know of the Oxford Endowment Fund, and referred to Lord Curzon's first appeal for it, but am I not right in thinking that it has been almost dormant, at any rate during the war Also, I in no way attempted to deprecate a Commission, but only a Commission with a view to grants from TI.M.'s Treasury, which words were italicised in the article. I fully agree with nearly all that " Doctor Oxon " writes, and only ask whether he will work along the lines that I tried to indicate so roughly?