20 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 18


[To the Editor. of. THE' SPECTATOR.] •

Sia,—In his article " Lying like a Bulletin," Mr: J. L: Hammond refers to the fact that until the publication of Colonel House's memoirs nothing was known of the rejection by bath Britain-and Gerntany of an American proposal during the War for Britain to stop the food blockade of Germany, and Germany to stop submarine warfare.

I had always understood from both German and French. histories that this is incorrect, and that Britain alone rejected this humanitarian proposal and that Germany accepted it. Indeed,' the French General Perch), in his book Guerre d la Guerre, expressly says so :

"Le 16 revrier, 1016, le prisident Wilson ayant demandd simul- tantment a l'Angleterre de permettre l'ewooi de vivres a la population civile allemande, et l'Allemagne de s'abstenir de torpiller les navires de commerce, l'Allemagne. a aceepte et l'Angleterre a refuse •

In. fairness to Germany, and for the sake of historical accuracy, it would be interesting to know whether this is