20 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The point Mr. Johnson made in his article in your issue of August 80th, entitled " Oxford Social Round," was merely that all that glitters at Oxford is not necessarily gold. In the sphere of Journalism Mr. Keith Briant affirms that Mr. Johnson " is as well aware as any other member of the Univer- sity that positions on the Staffs—as well as space in the papers—are alike open to such undergraduates as can produce the best articles." Mr: Keith Briant signs himself " Sub- Editor of the Isis." Surely he is rather an interested party in deciding whether the glitter from the contributions 'which he and his colleagues consider are " the best articles " and which he assures us gives " positions on the staffs " of the University papers, comes from the most pure and unalloyed gold.—I am,