20 SEPTEMBER 1968, Page 33


Sir: Bless you, Bill Grundy. People do pay attention to you (13 September), sensible people anyhow, including those unaffected by the pre- sent mania for upgrading garbage from the artistic slums.

I particularly welcomed Mr Grundy's article because on seeing the Sunday Times would-be appetising announcement of the Beatle memoirs I wrote to the editor expressing my complete disinterest and sang froid at their great sales- swelling scoop. A polite reply hazarded the view that after reading the excerpts I might come to share the Sunday Times's view that the reasons for the Beatles' phenomenal rise to fame were well worth examining. To this I could only, of course, reply that as I was not in the least bit in- terested in the spread of contagious diseases I had not the slightest intention of reading these or any other articles about the Beatles.

In the original announcement what struck me as the high spot of humbug was the claim that despite the orgies of ersatz bumptious arro- gance the Beatles would be found in the last resort to have retained . . . wait for it ... their integrity. That, surely, is something to which they, like Hitler, are welcome.