20 SEPTEMBER 2008, Page 71

Q. May I pass on a tip to readers? I

recently made two extremely nice new friends while waiting outside the Albert Hall for return tickets for the Proms. It strikes me as a wonderful way to tune into people on one’s own wavelength. The topics of conversation come naturally and if you are unlucky with the tickets, then you can wander off for a drink with your new friends.

A.G., Witney, Oxfordshire A. Thank you for reminding readers of this very good way, also, of finding a new romantic partner. Now that the Proms are over readers can still scan the listings pages for other concerts over the winter months which are likely to be sold out. There is a sense of camaraderie in such queues which can be most helpful in sidestepping the early awkward stages of new relationships.

If you have a problem write to Dear Mary, c/o The Spectator, 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP.