21 APRIL 1838, Page 16

Mr. VINCENT NOI.TE has published a vindication of the superiority

and originality of the process of M. Cor.r.as for medallic engraving; which being illustrated by some exquisite specimens of this ingeni: us and beautiful art, has an interest beyond that of a mere controversial statement. We cannot enter into the merits of the dispute ; but, so far as our opportunities of comparing the results of COLLAWS method and BATE'S alleged improvement enable us to form an opinion, we think the productions of M. COLLAWS superior. The heads of Napoleon and of Alexander of Russia, in the present publication, seem to be as near perfection as possible. The peculiar worth of the style, however, consists in the illusory imitation of medallic relief : when applied to sculptural bassi-telievi, or other objects where the mere representation of substance is subsidiary, it fails, from want of power to delineate minute and complicated forms with perfect accuracy.