21 APRIL 1923, Page 8




" I personally, however, believe in the establishment forthwith of the closest possible working relations with the British Govern- ment."—Ma. BRUCE, Prime Minister of Australia, at Melbourne.

" My view is that never in all its history has the British Empire had a greater opportunity of doing a great human service, and I trust it will realize the greatness and glory of its peaceful mission, and speak the great word which, with the exception of America, it alone can still speak among the nations of the world."—GENEnAL SMUTS, Prime Minister of South Africa, at Cape Town.

QUITE exceptional interest is taken in the Imperial Conference, which is to meet in London on October 1st next, for several reasons, chief _among them being the widespread belief that the machinery for keeping the self-governing nations of our Commonwealth in touch with one another needs overhauling. Another important fact is that at the forthcoming Conference the Prime Minister of the Irish Free State will, for the first time, attend an all-Empire gathering, and will associate on terms of equality with the Prime Ministers of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and Newfoundland.