21 APRIL 1928, Page 10


This exhibition, the 169th of the Royal Society of British Artists, is the first to be held under its newly elected President,

Mr. Richard Sickert, A.R.A. It will be interesting to see what influence- Mr. Sickert will exert on the character of the Society, for the contrast between his work and that of the last President could hardly be greater. Mr. Sickert has only one small work to his name here, The Old Bedford, which contains a small bit of definite design not usually associated With his methods. There are some pleasant, landscapes, and Miss Irene Ryland's Distant Farm is one of the best. Miss COnstance Bradshaw's Welsh Farmsteads, a bright sunny picture, Mr. Duggin's Bluebells in the Covert, and Mr- Murray Urquhart's Quiet Light on Land and Sea, are all interesting.

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