21 APRIL 1933, Page 2

* The Far Left The decision of the Independent Labour

Party– by 83 votes to 79—to approach the Communist International with a view to co-operation (not affiliation) is one more sign of the disintegration of the now negligible I.L.P. Last year the party split on the question of disaffiliation from the Labour Party—become far too reactionary for the fiery crusaders of the Left—and Mr. Wise detached the bulk of its members to form the Socialist League within the Labour Party fold. Now the rump, with a total membership of some 20,000, is likely to be still further divided, for of the minority which opposed any trafficking with the Comintern some at least are likely to oppose it to the point of resignation from a party committed to active co-operation with Communism. One interesting feature of the discussion was the state- ment of the secretary of the I.L.P. that after, fourteen years the membership of the. Communist Party in Great Britain was no more than 5,000. On so exiguous a foundation do the hopes of Moscow, rest.