21 APRIL 1979, Page 20

Moslem emotions

Sir: Your correspondent Mrs N. Silkin (Letters, 7 April) should get her facts right.

The area of Mandatory Palestine (on both sides of the Jordan) was 43,073 square miles. The State of Israel when established comprised 8,020 square miles. This hardly constitutes 'the taking over in 1948 of three-quarters of Palestine by its then Jew ish minority'. In her last paragraph Mrs Silkin speaks of the Palestinians being 'forced to cede more than half of their country to make way for a Jewish State'. She should make up her mind.

She ought also to reveal that the Palestinians refused in 1948 to set up their own state just as the PLO today refuses to recognise the rights of the Jews to an independent national existence in any part of Palestine. It is no secret that the 'legitimate rights of the Palestinians' is little more than a euphemism for the destruction of Israel. H. Pinner 95 Millway, London NW7