21 APRIL 1990, Page 21


Sir: I am sure we all occasionally share Ruth Rees's view of political parties (`I-low not to win friends', 14 April), namely, a plague on both their houses. But are Ms Rees's demands on her constituency MP reasonable? MPs are expected to sit foolish hours, and rarely see their families during the week. Their weekends are given over to constituency work (and perhaps friends and relatives, if appointments can be made). Given the pressure on their time, I would assume that MPs' surgeries are organised to deal with matters causing genuine and urgent distress, rather than to allow the middle classes to have a moan, when the fancy takes them. Surely literate malcontents can express their annoyance any time, by post or through the press. Perhaps Ms Rees would be better em- ployed campaigning for a change in par- liamentary hours, rather than making rather self-important demands on her MP.

Andrew Gibson

13 Palmerston Crescent, Palmers Green, London N13