21 AUGUST 1841, Page 21



On the 19th inst., at Spring Gardens, the Right Hon. the Lady SEYMOUR, of a son. On the 18th inst., at Downshire Hill, Hampstead, the Hon. Mrs. BUTLER, of a daughter. At Stoke, Notts, the Lady of Sir JAMES CAMPBELL, Bart., of Alternuchill, of a son and heir.

On the 17th inst., in Wimpole Street, the Lady of W. L. Wioturr Crorrx, Esq..M.P., of a sou.

On the 16th inst.. at South Audley Stmt. the Wife Of EDWARD VANSITTART NEALE, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 7th inst., the Lady of THOMAS GILBERT, Esq., of Cotton Hall, in the county of Stafford, of a sou and heir.

On the 6th inst., at Gibraltar. the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. A. F. ELus, of the Sixtieth Royal Rifles, of a daughter. On the 14th inst., at Gadesbridge. Herts. the Lady of Sir ASTLEY EASTON COOPER, Bart., of a son.

On the 13th inst., at Waltham Grove, near Maidenhead, the Lady of JOHN FARQUHAR FRASER. Esq., of a son.

On the 15th inst.. at Kemp Town, Brighton, the Lady of CHARLES Sonis Vowel; HERVEY. Esq., or a daughter. On the 15th inst., at Marlborough Buildings, Bath, the Lady of Captain pc.sia, of a daughter. On the 18th June. at Roseau. Dominica. the Lady of James LAIDLAW. Esq., Colonial Secretary, and Clerk of the Council, of a daughter.

The W ife of a framework.kuh ter, of Sileby, Leicestershire. named Joins LEE, of three finefemale infants, who are all doing well. They have been named Faith, Hope, and Charily.

The Wife of Mr. Joins Waists, of Kilfinan, county Limerick, of three daughters, all doing well. Mrs. Walsh had not a child these six years past.


On the 17th inst., at St. Marylebooe Cluieli. 'f. LEE LEE', Esq., of Dillington. So. mersetvhire, and of Orleigh Court, Devonshire, to the lion. MARS Soria', HOOD, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Lind Bridpurt.

At Paris, Count FREDRRICK CONFALONIERI. to SOPHIE. &HOW Of the Hon. Roger Ferran, of Copenhagen and the Island of St. Croix. Chamberlain to his Danish Majesty. On the 14th inst., at the British Ambassador's Chapel. Paris, Mons. BELANGER. Cheralier de is Legion d'Honneur. et de l'Ordre du Lion et du Soleil de Perse,to Jane, daughter of the late John Stewart, Esq., of Clichy.en-Aultesis, near Paris. Ou the 11th hurt.. at Delgaty Castle, JOHN LEWIS RICARDO. Esq., M.P..to Craven's' DUFF, eldest daughter of General the Hon. Sir Alexander Duff, of Delgaty Castle. Aberdeenshire.

On the 12th inst.: at Preston. Sussex. EDWARD Dram. Esq.. solicitor, Brighton, to LAVINIA LUCRETIA DICK HALL, granddaughter of Sir Page Dick, Bart., of Port Hill, near Brighton. On the 12th inst.. at St. Georges. Bloomsbury. JOFIN TowesnEND PHILPOT. Esq., of Craven Hill, to AGNES, daughter of Alexander Campbell, Esq., of Woburn Place, and of the Copse, in the island of Jamaica. At Dry Drayton. Catnbridgeshire, ALEXANDER Carron, Esq., of Hildersham, grand- son of the late Sir John Hjnde Cotton, Bart., to lienairrm, daughter of the late Rey. Dr. Smith, of Dry Drayton. On the 11th inst.. at St. Paul's Chapel, Edinburgh. WILLIAM BURGE, Esq., oue of her Majesty's Counsel. and Agent of Jamaica, to MARGARET. daughter of the late Rev. Archibald Alison, Prebendary of Sarum.

On the till inst., at Wrexham, EDWARD PRYCE GRIMTHS.Esq., eldest son of the late IL B. Griffiths, Esq., of Varchoel. Montgomery, to CAROLINE JANE, second daughter of Richard Bliscoe. Esq.. of Wrexham.

On the 12th inst., at St. Maryleboue ChUlTb. HENRY ALEXANDER BROWN, Esq., of Kingston Grove. Oxfordshire, to DIANA CAROLINE, fifth daughter of the late Colonel George Hotham, of York. On the 12th inst., at Selling. Kent, THOMAS SYDENHAM CLARKE, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister- ot-law, youngest son of Lieutenant.General Clarke. Madras Artillery. to JULIA. Set:Jild daughter ol leery Hilton, Esq., of Sole Street House, near Faversham. Ou the 17th lust., at Demmer, the Rev. JOHN LAWRELL. M.A., of HAmpreston. to Hammes second daughter of Edward Walter Blunt. EN.. oh Kempshott Park. Hants. On the 11th August, at Worplesdou. Surrey, the Rev. GEORGE HENRY WOODS, Vicar of Wesuleau. Sussex, to CATHERINE, third daughter of the Rev. George Bethell, Rector of Worplesdon, and Fellow of Eton College.


On the 17th inst.. at Wavendon House, in the county of Bucks. Sir HERBY Urea HOARE, Bart., in his 79th year.

On the 21st July, on board the Pandora packet. at St. Thomas's, West Indies. on his way home from Barbados. Lientenant.Culonel KNIGHT, of the Thirty-third Regiment.

On the 140h inst.. GEORGE Fox. Esq., one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the I.iberty of the Tower of Loudon, and a Deputy-Lieutenant for the Tower Hamlets, iu his 89th year.

At Connaught Place, GEORGE Ammons FREDERICK, second son of Sir Robert Fits Wygram, Bart., in his Zit year.

On the 6th inst., at Jersey, WILLIAM, fourth son of Sir George Clerk, Bart., in his 21st year.

On the 15th lust., at his residence, Trafalgar House, Brighton, Norm Ross. Esq. On the Stli inst., at Ilagley. near Stourbridge. Mrs. HANNAH DEANE, in her 86th year. On the 13th inst., at Bodys Gallen. near Conway, CATHERINE Maims, fifth daughter of the late Sir Roger Mostyn. Bart., of Mostyn, in her 624 year. On the 15th inst.. at Egli:sm. five days after giving birth to a daughter, her eighth child, Elizabeth. Wife of Mr. John Gould, of Broad Street, Golden Square, in her 37th year.