21 AUGUST 1841, Page 6


Lord Morpeth has accepted the invitation of the Irish Reformers, and the dinner is fixed for Thursday the 9th September.

The Dublin Monitor, in publishing the following letter from Lord Morpetb, says that it has received several communications expressing the hope that he will be elected, without solicitation, by some Irish constituency: the letter sets at rest all hopes and reports upon the matter—


" 16th August 1841.

"Sir-1 see that a friendly correspondent in your paper has done me the honour to suggest that an Irish constituency should now return Lord Moe- peth voluntarily and unsolieitedly.' I have bad such recent experience of the extent of Irish kindness and generosity, that there is, perhaps, less presump- tion in supposing it possible that the hint might be acted upon ; and I am therefore constrained to repeat, what I have already stated elsewhere, that it is an honour, however signal and gratifying, of which I should n-t be prepared to avail myself.

"I have the honour to be, Sir, your very obedient servant, " MORPETH."

The Dublin Evening Mail says that Sir Henry Parnell, now Baron Congleton, is to be made a Commissioner of Poor-laws for Ireland, to enable him "to sustain the dignity of the Peerage."

It is rumoured in Dublin, that Sir Michael O'Loghlen, the Master of the Rolls, will be raised to the Peerage ; and also Mr. George Evans, the late Member for the county Dublin.

The following gentlemen were called to the inner bar, on Tuesday, as Queen's counsel—Jonathan D. Clarke, William Deane Freeman, W. Armstrong, John Richard Corballis. Charles O'Malley, Henry J. Bald- win, Jeremiah James Murphy, Henry Manley, Gerald Fitzgibbon, Joseph Nelson, and James O'Brien.

At the weekly meeting of the Repeal Association, on Monday, Mr. O'Connell alluded to the letter of Mr. Putnam, quoted in our last num- ber, in which the writer says that the Repealers in the United States are all Irishmen, and that no native-born Americans are among them. Mr. O'Connell says that Judge Doran, who had sent a contribution from Philadelphia, had given the birthplace of all who subscribed-

" We have gone through their list, and we find that there were among the subscribers of the sum remitted in April—native Americans 51, Englishmen 3, and foreigners of sundry nations 9. We also find that there are among the Subscribers of the sum remitted to us in July—Americans 260, English 28, and foreigners 15. There are several subscribers given as gentlemen of rank, and they are—Charles W. Brooke, Attorney-General; Alderman Joseph Cook, Colonel Thomas B. Florence, Captain John Pascal, Alderman Brazier, Dr. Napoleon Bonaparte Leidy, Colonel Horatio Hackbell, Captain Thomas P. Willington, Alderman Carleton Potts, Alderman J. Dennis, R. D. Doran, Alderman P. Hay, Captain Myles M•Levin, Alderman John G. Potter, Colonel Reah Frazer, Wm. Denman, Esq., and Jas. Wm. White, Esq."

Mr. O'Connell held a Repeal meeting at Drogheda on Monday. The Tory accounts try to detract from the magnitude of the meeting ; but they admit that the was no lack of music, laurel-boughs, triumphal arches, and all the paraphernalia of a popular demonstration ; while the shops of the town were closed. Mr. O'Connell's speech was destitute of novelty. He alluded in a slighting manner to Chartists, who disturb the peace of the Repealers in the town of Drogheda. He renewed his pledge that the Registration Bill of "Scorpion Stanley" shall not pass text session ; for he will prevent it, or die on the floor of the House of Commons : he would avail himself of all the rules and forms of the House; he would call for divisions on every possible occasion ; and he would thus have the satisfaction of preventing the success of that measure for at least twelve months. After the meeting, there was a dinner, and more speeches were made.

One object of frequent attack lately at the meetings of the Repeal Association has been a Dublin society of Chartists, called the Irish Universal Suffrage Association, who meet weekly. One of the attend- ants of those meetings is a Catholic priest named Ryan, who has been especially marked out for the reprobation of the Repealers. Mr. Ryan has written a letter to the Dublin Freeman's Journal, vindicating his motives and conduct. He encourages Chartism in Ireland as a thing in which English and Irish have a common interest, "embracing as it does the political emancipation of the whole people " ; and he regards it as a means of uniting instead of estranging the people of the two countries- " The Irish Universal Suffrage Association appeared to me to be an associa- tion eminently calculated to promote a more kindly feeling and a more general interchange of good offices between the labouring classes of Great Britain and Ireland, than had hitherto existed ; and I did believe, and still do believe, that it is absolutely necessary to take some effectual means to counteract the evil effects which are likely to result from the vaunted and anti-Christian boast of Irish Catholics having shot down English Protestants; and the threat held out that five hundred thousand Irish Catholics would be brought over from the county Tipperary to slaughter English Protestants, who are seeking for those measures of reform which I see in a paper called the People's Charter, and to which I conceive the people of this empire to be justly entitled. As an Irish Catholic priest, I repudiate the uncharitable and unchristian denuncia- tions which have been for the last few years poured upon the devoted heads of these ill-used people."

The Chartist hits the Repealer hard-

" It has been a fertile source of pain and affliction to me, that great numbers of my brethren have been for several years unwittingly led from one association to another, each and all propagating a delusion, exciting the people and agi- tating the country from centre to surface, without one practicable object in view, and without one solitary effort to bring forward any measure to amelio- rate the condition or relieve the sufferings of my poor, hard-working, deluded countrymen."

He thinks that Chartism might be made to supersede Ribandism in Ireland—that the Universal Suffrage Association might swallow up the Riband Societies, and, "like Aaron's rod, devour them all." He makes a direct charge against the Repealers of personal violence towards himself- " It is melancholy to observe the diabolical spirit of and hatred which has been recently infused into the minds of some ignorant persons in this city. I have, I regret to say, experienced this personally. A man, whose name I shall now forbear to mention, but who is the same person to whom the 'Loyal National Repeal Association' promised its protection against the legal conse- quences of his violence and misconduct, told me to my face, after he had been informed by myself that I was a Catholic priest, that if I should presume to take the chair at a meeting of the Irish Universal Suffrage Association, he would seize me by the neck, and drag me out of it, even if I were clothed in my robes. Now, Sir, permit me to ask you, when such a threat has been made to a priest, what is a layman to expect from such characters; particularly when they are encouraged in it by an association upon whose protection they rely with the most implicit confidence ? "

The Dublin correspondent of the Times says, that the Belleisle, 74, in recruiting her crew, could only obtain three men in the Cove of Cork, and up to Saturday last only six in Dublin : this is attributed to the exhortation given to Repealers—" Don't inlist."

According to a report in the Carlow Sentinel, the funds of the Counties League for the indemnification of persecuted voters was used in open court, at Bagenalstown Petit Sessions, for the exemption of convicted offenders : a woman sentenced to pay 5/. or to be imprisoned for two months, for beating the sister of a man who had voted against O'Connell, in Bagenalstown Chapel ; William Becket, fined 51., and his two daughters 1/. each, for violent behaviour towards Mr. Nash, an agent of Mr. Peter Purcell, at the Royal Oak, who had admitted into his yard some hay belonging to one of Colonel Brnen's voters ; and several men condemned to pay 1/. each, with the alternative of one month's incarceration, for assaulting a Mr. Cummins—all had their fines paid for them by Mr. Buggy, a member of the Kilkenny Citizens Club. In reply to a remark that the Indemnity Fund was supposed to be for the payment of rents, Mr. Buggy said, "Yes, it is : and we shall use it to keep the people from incarceration."

The case of Mr. Cummins, an innkeeper in Bagenalstown, was at- tended by a singular circumstance : it cannot be more briefly told than in his own words. He had charged Malachi Dooley, Patrick Carly, and several others, with assault-

" On Friday evening last, my two daughters went out to walk; and on their return they passed a crowd, who commenced hooting, abusing them, and calling them black sheep. In consequence, I went out and remonstrated with the crowd, and told them it was a disgraceful thing to treat females so. I told Dooley I expected better conduct from him, as he got a great deal of any money. Be leaped off the wall, and told me to go home and hide my face from my neighbours : he desired me to begone, as a perjured thief and rascal, and spat in my face : he then ran with his clenched fist at me; but he was pushed back by the crowd. Pat Carty said, Boys, look to him and mark him, (meaning me); he will get 301. for the people he will transport ; mark him.' The crowd were much excited ; James Carty hissed, and called 'Black sheep.' I got a threatening letter while standing in the Court-house; it was the same now produced, with the representation of a coffin at the top— "'Sunday, 8th August 1841. " ' Bruen ight and Newton-ight—This is to give you notice, if you prose- cute the Carty% and the reast of the people you have summoned, we'll give you as short a time as possible; so prepare your black and perjured and bribed soul for eternity. (Signed) 'KILKENNY BOYS. "'To John Cummins, the Black Sheep.' "This letter was forwarded through the Bagenalstown Post-office, and delivered in court."

The defence was an alibi, which broke down. The threatening notice was handed in for the inspection of the Bench; when the prose- cutor's lawyer asked for it again, it was lost.

Fifteen persons who were engaged in an election-riot at New Bir- mingham, on the 12th July, were arrested on Monday week.

Lord Morpeth has replied to the application of the Carlow Magis- trates for an increase to the Police force, that the Lord-Lieutenant would give immediate orders for carrying their wishes into effect.

A very strange investigation has been made at Raheny Petit Sessions Some few months ago, an attack was made upon the gate-house of the Reverend Mr. Crampton, by stones being thrown at it, which broke some of the iron doors ; and the circumstance being reported to the Magistrates of the neighbourhood, a guard of Police was ordered to be stationed at the house on protection-duty. One evening, whilst one of the Policemen was there, a stone was thrown in through the win- dow; but upon search being made outside, no person could be found. A similar attack was made subsequently ; but search for the offender was again ineffectual. Mr. Crampton's servants were suspected, and two of the Police were sent to watch. On the evening of the 4th instant, shortly after ten o'clock, they saw a man cross the lawn, come over to the gate-house, take up two stones, and throw them at the window. A Policeman rushed out and seized the assailant ; when, to his astonishment, he found him to be the Reverend Mr. Crampton himself. He told the Police that he wanted to frighten the servants, and afterwards that he had heard that the Police used to sleep on duty, and he wanted to test their vigilance. At the examination before the Magistrates, one of his servants deposed that he did find two Policemen asleep ; but he was not certain whether it was under a hedge or a hay- cock, and he could not identify them. One of the Policemen, how- ever, said that he once saw stones come from two opposite directions and it was given in evidence that stones had been thrown in Mr,

Crampton's absence. The Magistrates rebuked Mr. Crampton for hay- ing" acted very imprudently."

At Armagh Assizes, last week, Francis Hughes and Patrick Woods were severally tried for the murder of Mr. Powell, in January last. They stabbed him in his own house. The Jury could not agree in the case of Hughes, and they were discharged without giving a verdict. Woods was found guilty. The Judge, in pronouncing sentence of death, assumed from a slang phrase used by the murderers at the time, threatening Mr. Powell for "planting Tullyard," that their victim had violated some law of a secret society.

At Cork Assizes last week, Miss Campion recovered heavy damages against Mr. Barry Drew for breach of promise of marriage. Both parties are young and highly respectable. The courtship began in 1837, and was suddenly broken off in April last, by the gentleman. His rea- sons were curious : among them were, Miss Campion's using the word -" ris," when she should pronounce it "rise," or "raised"; employing the word " what " unnecessarily; telling his sister that she preferred a horizontal to an upright piano, with the intention of offending her, as the sister happened to have the latter description ; "tickling, pinching, and boxing" his sister ; putting her finger in the eye of a servant-girl ; telling his sister that she told a lie ; observing that she would make a -smart widow ; and doing divers other frivolous acts. The trial occu- pied two days, and the Jury awarded to the plaintiff 1,500/. damages, and costs.

A melancholy accident occurred on Tuesday at the Kilrush steam- mills ; where a lad, Kenel, about thirteen years of age, got into the works during the time the men were at breakfast, and while amusing himself swinging on one of the shafts, was drawn in by the machinery, and so bruised as to cause instant death.—Limerick Chronicle.