21 AUGUST 1852, Page 5


Preparations are in progress at Holyrood Palace for the reception of the Queen ; who proposes to sleep. there on the night of the 31st instant, and to leave Edinburgh next morning, for Balmoral.

Although the weather since our last has not been all that could be hoped, the accounts with which we have been favoured by agricultural correspondents in the chief corn-growing districts of Scotland are, on the whole, very favourable, both as to the progress of harvesting operations and the amount and quality of produce. Indeed, should harvest be con- cluded not much worse than it has begun, it may be questioned if, taken all in all, a greater crop was ever cut in Scotland.—Scotsman.

Several men have been killed, and others hurt, by the falling over of a ship which was in course of repair at a dock in Renfrew.

One day last week, as two little boys from the village of Dodmill were strolling over Blythe Moor, one of them caught a heron, with which he eagerly ran to his companion to show him the prize. He had no sooner placed the bird on the ground, than it drove its bill into one of the other boy's eyes, which it pecked quite out. The surgeon who examined the wound says it is a matter of surprise that the bill of the bird did not pierce the poor little fellow's brain.—Kelso Chronicle.