21 AUGUST 1852, Page 9


Srocx EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrzawoow.

In the English Stock Market, Government Securities have undergone several fluctuations during the week ; the unsettled state of the weather being the chief cause for depression on different occasions, and the purchases on thp part of the Government and on public account producing a counter- acting result. Stock is becoming rather scarce, and the rise in price during fine weather has been more tban oval te the previous decline. On Monday at the early part of the day,•the Funds presented a dull appearance, with depression ; but in consequence of no further advance having taken place in the Corn-market they rallied to Saturday's quotation, Consols closing at 995 f. On Tuesday there was increased firmness, with 5 improvement.On Wednesday, the quantity of rain which had fallen during the previous night caused the Funds to open at a decline of 1; which they recovered as the day advanced, owing to an improvement in the weather, the arrival of further favourable news from Australia, and some large purchases of Stock. Yester- day being fair for harvest operations, there was a rise of 1 per cent, and the market closed with a firm appearance. Today there has been a decline of ; the closing prices of Consols being 991 4. Exchequer Bills, Bank Stock, and India Stock, have been steady during the week, with scarcely any variation in price. In Foreign Stocks, no extensive transactions have been entered into. On Monday and Tuesday there was a very limited market; but greater buoyancy was exhibited on Wednesday, and some speculative operations in New Granada caused a rise in that stock to 24, and in the Deferred to 12, the latter being an improvement of about 34 per cent. Mexican Stock has been gradually getting up, and is I per cent higher than last week. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents and Four per Cents are also 4 better. In the Share Market, there has been great excitement in Railway Stocks, with frequent variations during each day. Although they were in some measure regulated by Consols, they were chiefly affected on Monday and Tuesday by the nature of the settling of the Account, which was concluded on the latter day, and was one of the heaviest known for a long period. Great Western, London and North-western, and some of the leading Stocks, fell 168. on each day; there having been a good supply with a general dis- position on the part of Ike public to effect further sales. On Wednesday this feeling was increased in the early part of the day, and the market was exceedingly heavy ; but subsequently the low prices and improve- ment in the Consol market caused a demand and recovery in price, which continued yesterday. At the close of business, there was then a difference in value to the following extent compared with Saturday last. Bristol and Exeter, Caledonian and South-eastern, 11., and Midland 21. 58. higher ; Great Northern 21., and York and North Midland 10s. lower. Great West- ern, London and North-western, London and South-western, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, of the same value as last week. Not much busi- ness has been transacted in Foreign lines. East Indian have improved 58. and Paris and Orleans 1/. Northern of France are Os., Paris and Lyons 108., and Paris and Strasbourg 7e. 6d. lower. Today there has been less business transacted in Shares generally, and no particular feature worthy of remark.

SATURDAY TWRIME o'cLocli. In the English Masket the Funds have recovered the k depression of yes- terday, the Bank of England return of the increase in the stock of bullion producing a favourable result. Consols are quoted 994 for Money and 994 for the Account. In Foreign Stacks, prices are steady, with no business

doing. Spanish Deferred Stock has declined 5, being 214 2. Railway Stocks have rather improved, and bargains have been transacted at the following prices—Waterford and Kilkenny, 64; York and North Midland, 48; North Staffordshire, 124; Great Western, 941; Eastern Counties, 104; Caledonian, 40f.

SATunDAY Two o'Ctocx.

The English Stock Market has been very firm, and a farther rise of about j has taken place, Consols closing at 991 I for Money, and 994 for Account. The fine weather has been the principal cause. In Foreign Stocks there has been no movement, and prices are precisely as they were in the morning. Railway Shares have generally experienced a slight advance, but there has been only a small amount of business executed—Bristol and Exeter, 103; Caledo- nian, 411; Chester and Holyhead, 20; Eastern Counties, 11; Eastern Union, Class B and C late E. U. Shares, 44; East Lancashire, 70; Great Northern, 77; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, 118; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 464; Great Western, 944; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 794; Ditto Fifths, 91; London and Blackwall, 81; London and North-western, 12 Ditto Fifths, 151; Ditto 10/. Shares, M. and B. C., 21; London and Sou western, 894; Midland, 754; North British, 315; North Staffordshire, 124; Scottish Central, 755; Scottish Midland, 54; South Devon, 194; South- eastern, 72' South Wales, 381; Waterford and Kilkenny, 64, York, New- castle, and Berwick, 70; Ditto Extension 125; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 74; York and North Midland, 484; North British, 1011; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 151., 6 per Cent, 114; East Indian, 27; Namur and Liege, 64; Paris and Rouen, 335.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

99i i 991 1001 i

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 82 4 641 5 98 9 31 per Cents 1031 1 Mexican 3 per Cents


Long Annuities 61 15-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents

leo 2

Bank Stock 226 7 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 100 2

Exchequer Bills

74 77 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 119 21 India Stock 273 75 Ditto 44 per Cents 104 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 481 9 Belgian 41 per Cents 95 7 Ditto Deferred 211 2 Milian 6 per Cents 105 7 Sardinian 5 per Cents 94 5 Danish 5 per Cents 107 8 Austrian Scrip —


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 33, for the week ending on Saturday. the 14th day of Aug. 1833. tuns DZI,XTMENT.

Notes Issued £35,610,115 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities 2,984,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 21,601,148

Silver Bullion 18,967




Proprietors Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities.


Rest 3,287,265 cluding Deed Weight Annuity) £14,089,495 Public Deposits. 4,825,920 Other Securities 10,740,159 Other Deposits 13,803,533 Notes 12,657,560 Seven Day and otherBills 1,330,508 Gold and Silver Coin 306,012 37,803,226 £37,803.226 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks.Commisaionen of National Debt. & Dividend Accts.