21 AUGUST 1858, Page 10

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13th AU§1481 1858.

Sue—In you number of Saturday last, the 7th instant, you observe, " Should any such measure "—viz, international police on the high sea- " be definitively settled, we should have the first step towards that great want of the future, an international administration." As this is a project that I have advocated for years past, permit me to ask what reasonable objections can be urged against its immediate realization by the confederation of the independent States of Europe ?

It appears to sue that there can be raised but one valid objection to it; namely, the absence of any expressed desire in favour of it on the part of the several States interested ; for if such a wish should be made manifest by them, Europe at once would he confederated, international administra- tion and international police on the high sea organized, and European war rendered an impossibility.

To carry this into operation, one effectual mode of proceeding would be that the British people should petition their Queen to endeavour to prevail -upon the sovereign or upon the sovereign power of each European State, small as well as large, to send conjointly with her Majesty annually, at a fixed period, representatives in proportion to the population of the State,— nay one representative for every million of inhabitants,—to some place centrally situated and otherwise eligible for the holding of an European Congress; and further, to engage that the opinion of the majority upon cer- tain questions specified, duly pronounced by the representatives assembled, should be fully recognized as binding upon the individual state itself, and, an a consequence, upon the entire confederation. If a few only of the independent European States would agree to combine together in such a league, we may rest assured that the remainder would spoedily follow their example, and the whole constitute themselves the United States of Europe.