21 AUGUST 1915, Page 2

The memorial continues :-

"Naturally, the territories which we shall have to evacuate according to our conditions of peace must not become a rampart for our adversaries, and no rival of Germany must establish himself there. The possibility of the populations venting their hostile feelings by acts which might menace the peace and security of our frontiers must be avoided. Such dangers can be prevented, and we feel sure that effective means for this will finally be found and used. But, once again, we do not include among these means those which in the end would lead us by roundabout ways in spite of everything to annexation,"

The list of signatories includes the names of Herr Dernburg, formerly Minister of the Colonies and Germany's chief propa- gandist in America ; Da Delbriick, the well-known publicist; Professor Harnaok, the eminent theologian and intimate friend of the Kaiser; Herr Mendel:Iselin, President of the

Berlin Chamber ; Prince Hatzfeld, a member of the Imperial Court ; Dr. Wolff, editor of the Berliner Tageblatt ; and, Dr, Stein, chief political editor of the Frankfurter Zeitung—all of them in close touch with the ,Government.