21 AUGUST 1926, Page 17


"Everyone who thinks and feels is apt at times to fall ink the state of mind of the Psalmist, and believe that—r " .411 tle earth is full of darkness and cruel habitations."

Therefore I should like to see the result of a demand for a story, incident, or even reported saying tending to reconcile one k human nature."—" AULIFFE."

The Editor . offers a prize of 15 for an anecdote fulfilling " Auliffe's " conditions. '

We do ,not demand literary merit in the entries for this,com- petition. We should like them to be simple and straight- forward, and we ask no more. , Readers will differ, we feelsure, in their conception of the, highest qualities ,of human nature.. Some will think- of heroisms and instances of great. courage, some of kindly netiOns, some of patience oi persistence iv difficult .cirenmstances. All will be-weleoMe., . .


I. All entries must be received on or before Friday, Sept. 10th. 2. Competitors • may send in as many entries as they wish, but each entry must be aiicompanied by one of the coupons to be.found on page 290. of this issue. ; 3. The name and address (or the pseudonym) of every, coin- petitor• must be written clearly at the foot of -his manuscript. 4. - The Editor cannot return any Menu-script' submitted for the competition, nor can he enter into correspondence with competitors:

5. The Editor reserves the right of printing any manuacripP submitted.

A.- Envelopes Must be addressed : Competition, The :Sreetator, 13.Yoilt-Street;. Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2.