21 AUGUST 1993, Page 21


Sir: Taking history lessons from Sir Alfred Sherman (Letters, 7 August) is like receiv- ing instruction in morality from Beelzebub. Noel Malcolm would do well to pay no attention to Sir Alfred's 'corrections'.

Sir Alfred was an Orthodox communist (fought in the Spanish Civil War); then a Titoist (worked in Tito's Youth Railway); then a supporter of Labour causes; then a militant Conservative, ending up, as he claims, as one of the intellectual motors of Thatcherism. He is now serving the fascist- communist Bosnian Serb leadership. He has been in Pale, with Karadzic, overlook- ing Sarajevo and overseeing its destruction. He has completed the long march from one variety of fascism to another.

Sir Alfred has embraced all these causes with corrosive zeal. He never blinked in the face of mere facts. In a final bid for rele- vance, he is now aiding and abetting aggres- sion against a member of the United Nations, and promoting the activities of men seriously suspected of the most heinous war crimes. At any United Nations War Crimes Tribunal Sir Alfred's patrons — Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic — will figure high on the list of the accused. They have been named by western governments.

Shouldn't Her Majesty's Government now urgently advise the Queen to consider stripping Sir Alfred Sherman of his knight- hood?

G.R. Urban

International Commitee for Human Rights and Obligations Panton Street, London SW1