21 DECEMBER 1839, Page 4

We have heard that Sir B. Hall, M.P., has been

giving out in Mon- mouthshire that he intends to stand for that county, should a general election take place shortly. The expense and the badgering of the new baronet's Radical constituents in DtIarylebone, are said not to be very agreeable to him.—Gloncester C'hronicle.

It is rumoured that Mr. Alcock, the Liberal Member for Ludlow, will not defend his seat ; alleging that before the inquiry on the petition presented against his return could terminate, Parliatuent would probably be dissolved.

We are enabled to give the most distinct and unqualified contradic- tion to the statement hazarded by the Observer Ministerial paper on Sunday last, and copied by several other journals, to the effect that Sir John ()wen and Colonel Rushbrooke had severally determined to relin- quish their seats in the House of Commons for the counties of Pem- broke and Suffolk. We should have been at a loss to account for this fabrication, as in any case there could be no chance of either of the

above counties being represented by a supporter of the present Govern- ment, but that we perceive the Ministerial paragraph is made the vehi- cle of a malicious personal insinuation against the honourable Members, to whom it refers.--Iforaing Post.