21 DECEMBER 1889, Page 22

Amateur Work. Vol. I., New Series. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)—

This "Practical Magazine of Constructive and Decorative Art and Manual Labour" has made, it will be seen, a fresh beginning. A description of the contents of a single number will doubtless in- troduce the magazine to such of our readers as may not know it. To take the first, then, "How to Make a Digitorium " (this is a "dumb piano," on which you learn to finger without disturbing your neighbours) ; "The Wheelbarrow : How to Make It ; " "A High-Backed Carpet Chair ; " "Magic-Lantern Slide Painting ; " "How to make a Four-Jawed Chuck" (how many of our readers know what is meant by a "four-jawed chuck " ?) ; "My Lathes, and How I Made Them ; " "Wind Models" (models of mills, &c., worked by the wind) ; "How to Convert Oakstaves into Fern-Pots ; " "Tent-Making for Amateurs ; " "Fitting and Erect, ing " (of machinery) ; "Walking-Sticks, and How to Make Them;" "Fretwork Cover for Blotting-Book ; " "My Single- Needle Telegraph Instruments." There is a pretty wide choice here. Then the editor gives "Notes on Novelties," and has his "Correspondents in Council." This is a most useful periodical, as we have more than once before had the pleasure of saying.