21 DECEMBER 1912, Page 19


SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Is not the time ripe for the establishment of a weekly (or at least a. monthly) paper as the organ of the National Reserve P Such a publication would, I am sure, be very helpful in maintaining interest in the force, and could give practical aid in many ways. With 200,000 National Reservists enrolled, a circulation of 20,000 might reasonably be expected. We are indebted to you for our being ; may we look to you for such sustenance as a " National Reservist " can give P—I We are afraid that experience is against such special organs as our correspondent suggests. We cannot help thinking, how- ever, that if some of our great London or provincial dailies would give special attention to the National Reserve and further its interests, such paper or papers—for there is room for more than one—would find that they had come upon a valuable recruiting ground for readers.—En. Spectator.]