21 DECEMBER 1962, Page 9

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`Beware of turning traffic,' say the posters, and well may we heed their warning. At two busy intersections near this office one may see, at any time of the day, both young and old being forced to leap like gazelles out of the path of traffic turning at top speed and braking for nobody. Is there any good reason why we should not have the system which works perfectly well in New York, and elsewhere and which gives the prior- ity to pedestrians crossing on the green light at intersections where there are no special arrange- ments of timing? If there is, I don't know it; and if I did, I shouldn't believe it. Eternal vigilance will no doubt remain the price of survival in our cities, but 1 don't see why drivers should be encouraged to scatter their fellow-humans like chickens and get away with it—grinning.