21 DECEMBER 1974, Page 4

Tory truths

Sir: I am glad Patrick Cosgrave has gone part way to expose the Heathian "I told the truth" ploy (December 7) For if Mr Heath did tell the truth in February and October — and I for one am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he did — the very fact that he and his side-kicks find it necessary to push the truth angle so hard proves two major points.

The first is that Mr Heath certainly didn't tell the truth in 1970 — or jibe did he forgot what he said. The series of U-turns culminating in our disastrous excursion into Europe is proof enough of this.

The second, and perhaps more extraordinary point is that made recently by Mr C. Gordon Tether, in that if it is felt so necessary for politicians to keep reminding the public that they tell the truth, it must be because the public doubts their basic honesty. The history of the past twenty years or more proves that the public has every reason to be sceptical of politicians' pledges (with one or two exceptions — the most notable being those of Mr Enoch Powell), whether they are telling the truth or not.

James Towler 25 Mosley Wood Lane, Cookridge, Leeds