21 FEBRUARY 1829, Page 2


Letters from Berlin, in the German papers which reached U.S this morning, state, that all hopes of peace between Russia and Turkey are at an end. The Porte rejects every overture with scorn. We have letters from Dublin of Thursday evening. The Bruns- wick Constitutional Club met there on Thursday in great numbers, and in a fierce spirit. It was reported in Dublin, that several uf those who attended it, and who held office under Government, had received an intimation of dismissal if they persisted in opposing the views of Ministers.

The Rev. Daniel Wilson has written to a Member of the Convo. cation of Oxford, to say that he will go down to Oxford to support Mr. Peel, of whose conduct he highly approves. The Oxford Herald contradicts a report that Sir R. H. Inglis intends to decline the contest.