21 FEBRUARY 1835, Page 11


Spica Eaenatro. FRIDAY AVTRRN0011., Up to yestezday afternoon, the Money Market continued firm ; and though money in the course uf Tuesday and Wednesday was scarcer than at the latter end of the last week, the price of Consols was fully maintained. It was generally suppored in the City, that the division upon the Speakewhip would be of great impottenee, as determining the existence of the present Ministry ; and up to the close of business yesterday, the election of Sir CHARLES MA N N MIS SUTTON was, st-ith few exceptions, considered certain. The result became known at the coffeehouses in the City shortly after six o'clock ; and several bargains were at that late hour effected in Consols, at 92 and 924 ; being a -decline of pee cent. from the closing price. A rush to sell to k place upon the commencement of business this morning, and the price declined to 91:1 ; tonl after rallying to 921, closes at 91i -Z. The result of the division upon the Address is anxiously looked•for. In the Foreign Mcrket, Spaniel, Stock and Scrip, up to yesterday afternoon, were in great demand, and had experienced a considerable rise—the price at one time having reached fi premium for the Scrip, and 59.1- for the Ponds. With the fall of Consols this morning the Spanish Stock market gave way, and has been heavy during the whole day ; the Scrip closing at 5i4 prem., and the Bonds at 58/, S. Portuguese Bonds have declined about 1 per cent., being now 91i. South American Bonds &are suffered a depression, and are all without excep- tion considerably lower than our last -quotations. A decline of 2 per cent. occurred on Tuesday in Brazilian, which is not traceable to eny immediate cause; no intelligence having been received horn Rio Janeiro to which it can be referred. The price, which was on Monday at 85Ii, declined to 84; but has since rallied to 81i. Dutch 2i, Russian, Belgian, and the other European Continental Stocks, have been in considerable demand, and though these markets have all been affected by the decline of Consols, they are still at prices somewhat above mix last.


A material change trunk places in the prices (fall the Public S.curities yester- ,day afternoon after the close of business ; and the transactions in I be Stock Ex- change were prolonged considerably beyond the usual time, and considerable sales of all descriptions of Stack avereeffected. The last prices may be qucted as tinder : Consols, 91a i; Spanish Stork, riS; ditto Scrip,5i prem.; Dutch 2i per Cents., b5i 563; anti Culumbian ,Bonds, 36. The depression of yesterday continued orireWth—ort time this morning ; when Consols were done as low as 911, Spanish Stock at 57A, and Scrip at 5 prem. These markets have, however, since improved, as will be seen by the following prices. For the last hour, the busi- ness transacted has been unimportant.

3 per Cent. Consols

Dutch 21 per Cents.

551 Ditto for Account

924 f

French 3 per Cents

New 34 per Cent. Annuities

991 i

Greek, 1033.5 per Cents — Bank Stock 224 Mexican 6 per Cents

414 42 India Stock ..

E:schopser Bills

38 39 Portuguese 5 per Cents Do Regency scrip,5per Cost

91i Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 102

Russian, 1522.5 per Cent... 1054 Mk Brazilian 5 per Cents Sal 4 Spanish, IS2I, 5 per Cent...

54 I

Danish 3 per Cents

761 71

Ditto New Scrip 54