21 FEBRUARY 1857, Page 9


Broca Exercauca, FRIDAY Arrasztocar. Applications for money at the Bank and in the discount-market have been less numerous this week. The withdrawal of gold for the Continent has also greatly diminished. The Directors have agreed to advance money upon Stock up to the April dividends at 6 per cent. On the Stock Exchange money has been plentiful at easy rates. The market for English Securities has been well supported, and some very large operations hay& been effected, but without materially altering quotations. Consols have ranged between 931 94k: the closing price of today is 931 94; the tone of the market is slightly heavier. Reduced, 94 4; New Three per Cents, 941 R. Bank Stock has been done today at 2181 and 220; India Stock, 2211. The Foreign Market has exhibited great steadiness, but with slight adranee in valuations. Mexican Bonds have been operated in at 22 and 221. Venezuela Bonds are quoted nominally at 374 to 381. Turkish Six per Cents, a higher-954 to 4; the New Guaranteed, 1014 to 4. Other stocks firm at last week's prices. Railways have been good all the week, at a further improvement in most heavy shares of from 58. to 10s. per share. The markets have been active all round. Midland, 831 to a ; Great Western, 684 4; Loudon and NorthWestern, 1071 to 8k; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 99a to par ; Aberdeen, 261 to 71. Caledonian has risen 35s. since Monday-331 to i ,• Eastern Counties, 14 to 4; London and Brighton, 1081 to 9. Great Northerns are heavy, owing in some measure to the still unsettled state of affairs in connexion with the late frauds : the closing price is 221 to 31. Foreign Railways are stationary, but him. The chief feature has been a rise of 2/. in Paris and Lyons-561 a ; Sambre and Meuse, 81 4; Central, 44 1 ; Northern of France, 37 }. Luxembourg, good 64 e ; Lombardo-Venetian, 15s. better, owing partially to their being admitted on the Paris Bourse. Indians, quiet. Great Indian Peninsula New Shares, 1 1 pm. ; Gude, par to 1 premituu ; Central Oudt, a shade higher-1-16 3-16 premium.

SAYcnDAY, 02737 O'CLOCX. The Bank return of the stock of bullion this week shows an increase of 280,4141. The Markets open dull this morningthere is little business passing in either English or Foreign Stooks. Consols 931 4. Railway Shares quiet at the closing prices of yesterday. Great Northern Stock has been done at 92, and the A Stock at 80; London and South-Western, 1051 ; North British, 44 and 434; North-Eastern-Berwick, 88; Ditto York, 641