21 FEBRUARY 1857, Page 9


The meeting of the London and North-Western Railway Company was held yesterday. The proposal of the Directors to lay down a third line of rails from Bletchley to Willesden met with considerable opposition, but was ultimately earned, on a division, by 98 to 70 votes. But the Directors were worsted on the question of a dividend-instead of paying 2/. 15s. per cent and carrying forward a large balance, the proprietors resolved that the dividend shall be 3 per cent for the half-year, leaving a small balance to be carried to the current half-year's accounts.

The dividend of the Blackwell Railway is tp be 38. 6d. per share.

At the half-yearly meeting of the Great Western Railway, Company, on Friday last week, a resolution declaring the management of the line to be " defective " and requiring "amendment" was proposed. An amendment in favour of the Directors was moved ; this was lost on a show of hands; a poll was demanded; and it closed on Tuesday, when the amendment was declared to have been carried by an immense majority of votes.

At the meeting of the Blackwell Railway Company, on Tuesday, a dividend of 38. 6d. per share was declared.

The South-Eastern Railway dividend is to be 15*. per share.

The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, propose to commence business at Bombay, Calcutta, and the two principal ports of China, not at present starting branches in Australia, unless under arrangements with oldestablished banks.

The dividend of the Southampton Dock Company is to be at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. The Directors of the Eastern Steam Navigation Company believe that their mammoth ship will be launched early in the ensuing summer. The shareholders do not pay their calls readily-606,019/. has been called, but only 413,642/. of capital has been paid. The London, Manchester, and Foreign Warehouse Company, have given notice that they intend to relinquish all the branches of their business, except those of cabinet ware, leather ware, glass, and Jewellery. The company started only about a year back. A company is announced to work a patent for _protecting houses from burglars, and all buildings and ships from fire. When doors or windows

are tampered with or when an extraordinary heat prevails, an alarm-bell will ring : electricity will be the conducting agent. The "Life and Property Protection Company" propose to start with a capital of 100,0001. The price of grain continues to decline : in the Corn-market on Monday all kinds of wheat except the very best were sold at a reduction of 2s.

The South Wales Railway required seventeen or eighteen acres of land at Milford Raven; the trustees of the late Lord Milford demanded 50,0001. for the land ; the question of price was submitted to arbitrators, and their award was 9060/.

PALACIL—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday February 20th, including season-ticket-holders, 8908.